A programme for the estimation of lateral-torsional buckling of beams by FEA for a suite of loading cases in batch.
- The total potential energy is derived from "Liu Zhanke, Zhou Xuhong. An analysis on completeness of total potential energy of thin-walled members with flexural-torsional buckling. Engineering Mechanics, 2017, 34(7): 1–10. (in Chinese)"
- The method of FEA mainly is referred to "Barsoum R S , Gallagher R H . Finite element analysis of torsional and torsional–flexural stability problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1970, 2(3):335-352." and "Lu Liewu, Shen Shizhao, Shen Zuyan, etc. Stability of steel structural members. 1st ed. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 1983: 86–91. (in Chinese)"
- Major charactoristics: (1) The programme is written on MATLAB 2016a and it is suggest to run it on this platform. (2) Employing the excel "Sample.xlsx", it is able to estimate a batch of the critical moments of beams, whose dimensions, loadings and boundary conditions vary simultaneously. (3) It has great agreement with the result presented by LTBeamN, a widespread FEA programme for analysing LTB created by CTICM.
Contact: wentx20@csu.edu.cn