This python automation program creates a harvard referance for the user by having the user input the header, year of publish and URL of the web page. All references are stored in one location within a text file for easy retrievel.
You can follow these instructions to setup the developer environment:
- Install BeautifulSoup
- Install Requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install requests
Download Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows. This solution uses Python3 and Python libraries.
Build the image, this may take some time. After your image is built, you can view your image in the Images tab in Docker Desktop.
docker build -t reference-program-dockerisation .
The -t flag tags your image with a name, reference-program-dockerisation in this case. And the . lets Docker know where it can find the Dockerfile.
To run the program type this command:
docker run -i -t reference-program-dockerisation
python -m unittest Test_Referance