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Thermal Sketches

Michael Mommert edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 4 revisions

Thermal Sketches

Class for estimating and fitting thermal infrared fluxes of atmosphereless bodies using different model approaches.

Estimate flux of a body using different models

from astropy import Time
from astropy import units as u
from sbpy import Thermal
from sbpy.Data import Ephemerides, PhysProp

epoch = Time('2019-03-12 12:30:00', scale='utc')
eph = Ephemerides.from_horizons('2015 HW', '568', epoch)

phys = PhysProp()
phys.diam = 0.3*
phys.pv = 0.3
# photometric slope not provided: use default 0.15 

lam = np.arange(1, 20, 5)*u.micron

therm = Thermal.neatm(eph, phys, lam, eta=1.2)
therm = Thermal.frm(eph, phys, lam)