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Functional Groups

andybeet edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 15 revisions

A comprehensive list of the species/functional groups used in the NEUS Atlantis model

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Code Functional_Group Species Scientific_Name SVSPP NESPP3 Species_Itis isFishedSpecies
ANC Anchovies Bay anchovy ANCHOA MITCHILLI 43 6 161839 FALSE
ANC Anchovies Striped anchovy NA 44 NA NA FALSE
BB Sediment Bacteria Sediment Bacteria NA NA NA NA FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Common octopus NA 511 NA NA FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Octopus unclassified OCTOPODIDAE 510 786 82590 FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Spoonarm octopus NA 512 NA NA FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Starfish ASTEROIDEA NA 828 156862 FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Unicorn octopus NA 513 NA NA FALSE
BC Benthic Carnivore Moon snail NATICIDAE NA 780 72878 FALSE
BD Deposit Feeder All Deposit Feeders NA NA NA NA FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Arctic surfclam MACTROMERIS POLYNYMA 407 765 80983 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Atlantic calico scallop ARGOPECTEN GIBBUS 404 797 79734 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Bay scallop ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS 402 799 79737 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Iceland scallop CHLAMYS ISLANDICA 340 795 79619 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Scallop unclassified PECTINIDAE NA 796 79611 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Bloodarc clam ANADARA OVALIS NA 743 79342 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Mussels MYTILUS EDULIS NA 781 79454 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Nk mollusks MOLLUSCA NA 804 69458 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Other shellfish PROTOSTOMIA NA 899 914155 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Oysters CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA NA 789 79872 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Quahog MERCENARIA MERCENARIA NA 748 81496 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Razor clam ENSIS DIRECTUS NA 760 81022 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Sea cucumbers HOLOTHUROIDEA NA 806 158140 FALSE
BFF Other benthic filter feeder Soft clam MYA ARENARIA NA 763 81692 FALSE
BFT Atlantic bluefin tuna Atlantic bluefin tuna THUNNUS THYNNUS 747 467 172421 TRUE
BG Benthic grazer All Benthic grazers NA 331 NA NA FALSE
BG Benthic grazer Periwinkles LITTORINIDAE NA 798 70394 FALSE
BG Benthic grazer Sea urchins STRONGYLOCENTROTUS NA 805 157968 FALSE
BIL Billfish Blue marlin MAKAIRA NIGRICANS 707 217 172491 FALSE
BIL Billfish Swordfish XIPHIAS GLADIUS 700 432 172482 FALSE
BIL Billfish White marlin TETRAPTURUS ALBIDUS 708 216 172499 FALSE
BIL Billfish Marlin ISTIOPHORIDAE NA 218 172486 FALSE
BLF Bluefish Bluefish POMATOMUS SALTATRIX 135 23 168559 TRUE
BLS Blue shark Blue shark PRIONACE GLAUCA 17 493 160424 TRUE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Atantic rock crab CANCER IRRORATUS 313 712 98679 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Blue crab CALLINECTES SAPIDUS 314 700 98696 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Cancer crab CANCER 311 714 98671 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Green crab CARCINUS MAENAS 327 708 98734 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Hermit crab PAGURUS NA 702 97775 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Horseshoe crab LIMULUS POLYPHEMUS 318 724 82703 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Jonah crab CANCER BOREALIS 312 711 98678 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Knobbed whelk BUSYCON CARICA 337 777 74071 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Lady crab OVALIPES OCELLATUS 322 701 98714 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Snow crab CHIONOECETES OPILIO 325 718 98428 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Spider crab MAJIDAE 317 715 98417 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Channeled whelk BUSYCOTYPUS CANALICULATUS NA 776 74096 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Conchs STROMBIDAE NA 775 72554 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Japanese shore crab HEMIGRAPSUS NA 716 99034 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Lightning whelk BUSYCON SINISTRUM NA 778 74075 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Nk crab BRACHYURA NA 713 98276 FALSE
BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos Waved whelk BUCCINUM UNDATUM NA 779 73795 FALSE
BO Meiobenthos Meiobenthos NA NA NA NA FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish American sandlance AMMODYTES AMERICANUS 734 206 171673 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Atlantic silverside MENIDIA MENIDIA 113 362 165994 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Chub mackerel SCOMBER COLIAS 124 215 172413 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Halfbeak HEMIRAMPHIDAE NA 164 553172 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Harvest fish PEPRILUS ALEPIDOTUS 749 165 172570 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Round herring ETRUMEUS TERES 31 166 161743 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Amber jack SERIOLA NA 3 168688 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Atlantic cutlassfish TRICHIURUS LEPTURUS NA 99 172385 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Barracuda SPHYRAENIDAE NA 18 170424 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Barrelfish HYPEROGLYPHE PERCIFORMIS NA 27 172512 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Big roughy GEPHYROBERYX DARWINI NA 25 615855 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Blue runner CARANX CRYSOS NA 213 168612 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Common pompano TRACHINOTUS CAROLINUS NA 272 168708 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Crevalle CARANX HIPPOS NA 87 168609 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Dog snapper LUTJANUS JOCU NA 375 168857 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Escolar LEPIDOCYBIUM FLAVOBRUNNEUM NA 385 172362 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Frigate mackerel AUXIS THAZARD NA 132 172456 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Greater amberjack SERIOLA DUMERILI NA 181 168689 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Grunts HAEMULIDAE NA 144 169055 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Houndfish TYLOSURUS CROCODILUS NA 20 165577 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish King mackerel SCOMBEROMORUS CAVALLA NA 194 172435 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Nk dory ZEIFORMES NA 189 166271 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Nk porgy SPARIDAE NA 332 169180 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Nk sea bass CENTROPRISTIS NA 333 167686 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Nk seatrout CYNOSCION SPP NA 334 169238 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Opah LAMPRIS GUTTATUS NA 249 166326 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Pigfish ORTHOPRISTIS CHRYSOPTERA NA 258 169077 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Pomfrets BRAMIDAE NA 271 170287 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Puffer SPHOEROIDES NA 430 173289 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Puffer TETRAODONTIDAE NA 431 173283 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Red barbier HEMANTHIAS VIVANUS NA 337 167801 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Red grouper EPINEPHELUS MORIO NA 26 167702 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Red porgy PAGRUS PAGRUS NA 330 169207 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Red snapper LUTJANUS CAMPECHANUS NA 376 168853 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Ribbonfish TRACHIPTERUS ARCTICUS NA 98 166342 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Snapper LUTJANIDAE NA 336 168845 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Snowy grouper EPINEPHELUS NIVEATUS NA 146 167705 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Southern hake UROPHYCIS FLORIDANA NA 661 164737 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Spanish mackerel SCOMBEROMORUS MACULATUS NA 384 172436 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Squirrelfish HOLOCENTRIDAE NA 24 166170 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Steelhead trout ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS NA 415 161989 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Sunfishes CENTRARCHIDAE NA 426 168093 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Tarpon MEGALOPS ATLANTICUS NA 435 161116 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Triggerfish BALISTIDAE NA 456 173128 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Tripletail LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS NA 459 169007 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Vermillion snapper RHOMBOPLITES AURORUBENS NA 374 168909 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Wenchman PRISTIPOMOIDES AQUILONARIS NA 379 168913 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Wreckfish POLYPRION AMERICANUS NA 513 167914 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Yellowedge grouper EPINEPHELUS FLAVOLIMBATUS NA 142 167699 FALSE
BPF Other benthopelagic fish Grouper SERRANIDAE NA 141 167674 FALSE
BSB Black sea bass Black sea bass CENTROPRISTIS STRIATA 141 335 167687 TRUE
BUT Butterfish Butterfish PEPRILUS TRIACANTHUS 131 51 172567 TRUE
BWH Baleen whales Baleen whales NA NA NA NA TRUE
CLA Atlantic surf clam Atlantic surf clam SPISULA SOLIDISSIMA 403 769 80944 TRUE
COD Atlantic cod Atlantic cod GADUS MORHUA 73 81 164712 TRUE
DC Carrion Carrion NA NA NA NA FALSE
DF Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates NA NA NA NA FALSE
DL Labile detritus Labile detritus NA NA NA NA FALSE
DOG Spiny dogfish Spiny dogfish SQUALUS ACANTHIAS 15 352 160617 TRUE
DR Refractory detritus Refractory detritus NA NA NA NA FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Atlantic croaker MICROPOGONIAS UNDULATUS 136 90 169283 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Black drum POGONIAS CROMIS 147 106 169288 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Northern kingfish MENTICIRRHUS SAXATILIS 146 196 169276 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Silver perch NA 148 NA NA FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Spot LEIOSTOMUS XANTHURUS 149 406 169267 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Weakfish CYNOSCION REGALIS 145 344 169241 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Nk drum SCIAENIDAE NA 104 169237 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Red drum SCIAENOPS OCELLATUS NA 107 169290 FALSE
DRM Drums and croakers Spotted weakfish CYNOSCION NEBULOSUS NA 345 169239 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Atlantic angel shark SQUATINA DUMERIL 16 477 160787 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Bull shark CARCHARHINUS LEUCAS 356 489 160275 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Chain dogfish SCYLIORHINUS RETIFER 14 346 160060 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Lemon shark NEGAPRION BREVIROSTRIS 359 492 160433 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Nurse shark GINGLYMOSTOMA CIRRATUM 350 348 159977 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Sand tiger CARCHARIAS TAURUS 12 349 159888 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Scalloped hammerhead SPHYRNA LEWINI 362 478 160508 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Sharpnose shark RHIZOPRIONODON TERRAENOVAE 360 494 160200 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Thresher shark ALOPIAS VULPINUS 925 353 159916 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Bonnethead shark SPHYRNA TIBURO NA 476 160502 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Hammerhead shark SPHYRNIDAE NA 495 160497 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Hmhd smooth shark SPHYRNA ZYGAENA NA 479 160505 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Night shark CARCHARHINUS SIGNATUS NA 486 160413 FALSE
DSH Other demersal sharks Thresher unc shark ALOPIAS NA 360 159915 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Alewife ALOSA PSEUDOHARENGUS 33 1 161706 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish American shad ALOSA SAPIDISSIMA 35 347 161702 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Blueback herring ALOSA AESTIVALIS 34 112 161703 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Gizzard shad DOROSOMA CEPEDIANUM 426 134 161737 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Hickory shad ALOSA MEDIOCRIS 37 173 161704 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Smelt OSMERIDAE NA 371 162028 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Blue catfish ICTALURUS FURCATUS NA 67 163997 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Bullheads ICTALURUS NA 45 163996 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Carp CYPRINUS CARPIO NA 63 163344 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Channel catfish ICTALURUS PUNCTATUS NA 68 163998 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Ladyfish ELOPS SAURUS NA 268 161111 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Minnow CYPRINIDAE NA 223 163342 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Mullets MUGILIDAE NA 234 170333 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Mummichog FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS NA 237 165647 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Nk silverside ATHERINIDAE NA 363 165984 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Pinfish LAGODON RHOMBOIDES NA 267 169187 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Rough scad TRACHURUS LATHAMI NA 331 168587 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Round scad DECAPTERUS PUNCTAUS NA 77 168725 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Spadefish EPHIPPIDAE NA 381 169537 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Striped mullet MUGIL CEPHALUS NA 235 170335 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Suckers CATOSTOMIDAE NA 423 163892 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish White perch MORONE AMERICANA NA 506 167678 FALSE
FDE Shallow demersal fish Yellow perch PERCA FLAVESCENS NA 517 168469 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Argentine ARGENTINIDAE 46 171 162057 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Armored searobin PERISTEDION MINIATUM 173 343 167010 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Atlantic moonfish NA 132 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Atlantic needlefish STRONGYLURA MARINA 471 19 165551 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Atlantic sturgeon ACIPENSER OXYRINCHUS 380 420 553269 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Blackbelly rosefish HELICOLENUS DACTYLOPTERUS 156 242 166787 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Blackspotted stickleback NA 901 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Chain pipefish NA 495 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Conger eel CONGER OCEANICUS 63 116 161326 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Cunner TAUTOGOLABRUS ADSPERSUS 176 93 170481 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Cusk BROSME BROSME 84 96 164740 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Dusky pipefish NA 494 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Eel unclassified ANGUILLIFORMES 60 117 161123 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Fourbeard rockling NA 83 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Fourspine stickleback NA 488 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Garfish LEPISOSTEIDAE NA 133 161092 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Grenadier unclassified MACROURIDAE 90 138 165332 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Hagfish MYXINIDAE NA 150 159753 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Hogfish LACHNOLAIMUS MAXIMUS 682 179 170566 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Inshore lizardfish NA 435 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish John Dory ZENOPSIS OCELLATA 112 188 166283 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Largescale lizardfish NA 433 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Lizardfish unclassified NA 852 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Longhorn sculpin NA 163 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Longspine scorpionfish NA 154 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Longspine snipefish NA 111 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Lookdown NA 133 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Lumpfish CYCLOPTERUS LUMPUS 168 210 167612 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Moustache sculpin NA 161 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius 902 522 166387 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Northern pipefish NA 116 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Northern puffer SPHOEROIDES MACULATUS 196 429 173290 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Northern searobin PRIONOTUS CAROLINUS 171 340 166974 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Offshore lizardfish NA 437 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Oyster toadfish BATRACHOIDIDAE 185 451 164412 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Pipefish unclassified NA 421 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Red lizardfish NA 438 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Roughhead grenadier MACROURUS BERGLAX 92 137 165421 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Sand perch DIPLECTRUM FORMOSUM 530 311 167793 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Sculpins unclassified COTTIDAE 160 326 167196 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Sea raven HEMITRIPTERUS AMERICANUS 164 327 167289 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Searobin uncl TRIGLIDAE 174 341 166972 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Sheepshead ARCHOSARGUS PROBATOCEPHALUS 631 356 169189 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Shorthorn sculpin NA 162 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Shortjaw lizardfish NA 434 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Shortnose sturgeon ACIPENSER BREVIROSTRUM 379 422 161069 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Spotted hake UROPHYCIS REGIA 78 662 164731 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Striped searobin PRIONOTUS EVOLANS 172 342 166975 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Sturgeon unclassified ACIPENSERIDAE NA 421 161064 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Threebeard rockling NA 85 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Threespine stickleback NA 115 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Tomcod MICROGADUS TOMCOD 453 453 164720 FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Trumpetfish NA 119 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Whitenose pipefish NA 491 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Wrymouth NA 191 NA NA FALSE
FDF Miscellaneous demersal fish Northern stargazer ASTROSCOPUS GUTTATUS NA 31 171055 FALSE
FLA Other flatfish Gulfstream flounder CITHARICHTHYS ARCTIFRONS 109 129 172719 FALSE
FLA Other flatfish Hogchoker TRINECTES MACULATUS 118 128 172982 FALSE
FLA Other flatfish Greenland halibut REINHARDTIUS HIPPOGLOSSOIDES NA 158 172930 FALSE
FLA Other flatfish Nk flounders PLEURONECTIFORMES NA 126 172702 FALSE
FLA Other flatfish Southern flounder PARALICHTHYS LETHOSTIGMA NA 130 172738 FALSE
FOU Fourspot flounder Fourspot flounder PARALICHTHYS OBLONGUS 104 127 172739 TRUE
GOO Goosefish Goosefish LOPHIUS AMERICANUS 197 12 164499 TRUE
GOO Goosefish Blackfin goosefish LOPHIUS GASTROPHYSUS NA 13 164500 FALSE
HAL Atlantic halibut Atlantic halibut HIPPOGLOSSUS HIPPOGLOSSUS 101 159 172933 TRUE
HER Atlantic herring Atlantic herring CLUPEA HARENGUS 32 168 161722 TRUE
HER Atlantic herring Nk herring CLUPEIDAE NA 167 161700 FALSE
INV Invasive vertebrate species All Invasive vertebrate species NA NA NA NA FALSE
ISQ Illex squid Illex squid ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS 502 802 82521 TRUE
LOB Lobster Lobster HOMARUS AMERICANUS 301 727 97314 TRUE
LSK Little skate Little skate LEUCORAJA ERINACEA 26 366 564130 TRUE
LSQ Loligo squid Loligo squid LOLIGO PEALEII 503 801 82372 TRUE
MA Macroalgae Macroalgae NA NA NA NA TRUE
MA Macroalgae Fingered kelp LAMINARIA DIGITATA NA 820 11228 FALSE
MA Macroalgae Rockweed FUCACEAE NA 832 11329 FALSE
MAK Atlantic mackerel Atlantic mackerel SCOMBER SCOMBRUS 121 212 172414 TRUE
MB Microphtybenthos Microphtybenthos NA NA NA NA FALSE
MEN Atlantic menhaden Atlantic menhaden BREVOORTIA 36 221 161732 TRUE
MPF Migratory mesopelagic fish Lanternfish MYCTOPHIDAE 56 655 162575 FALSE
MPF Migratory mesopelagic fish Weitzmans pearlsides NA 229 NA NA FALSE
MPF Migratory mesopelagic fish Cobia RACHYCENTRON CANADUM NA 57 168566 FALSE
NSH Northern shrimp other pandalids Aesop shrimp NA 297 NA NA FALSE
NSH Northern shrimp other pandalids Bristled longbeak NA 296 NA NA FALSE
NSH Northern shrimp other pandalids Northern shrimp and other pandalids PANDALUS BOREALIS 306 736 96967 FALSE
OHK Offshore hake Offshore hake MERLUCCIUS ALBIDUS 69 508 164793 TRUE
OPT Ocean pout Ocean pout ZOARCES AMERICANUS 193 250 630979 TRUE
OSH Other shrimps Brown shrimp FARFANTEPENAEUS AZTECUS 913 731 551570 FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Other penaeids NA 307 NA NA FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Pink shrimp NA 914 NA NA FALSE
OSH Other shrimps White shrimp NA 915 NA NA FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Crangon shrimp CRANGONIDAE NA 739 97106 FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Mantis shrimp STOMATOPODA NA 737 99140 FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Nk shrimp CARIDEA NA 735 96106 FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Penaeid shrimp PANAEIDAE NA 738 95602 FALSE
OSH Other shrimps Shrimp royal red PLEOTICUS ROBUSTUS NA 733 95966 FALSE
PB Pelagic Bacteria Pelagic Bacteria NA NA NA NA FALSE
PIN Pinnipeds All Pinnipeds NA NA NA NA FALSE
PL Diatom Diatom NA NA NA NA FALSE
PLA American plaice American plaice HIPPOGLOSSOIDES PLATESSOIDES 102 124 172877 TRUE
POL Pollock Pollock POLLACHIUS VIRENS 75 269 164727 TRUE
POR Porbeagle shark Porbeagle shark LAMNA NASUS 353 481 159911 TRUE
PS Pico-phytoplankton Pico-phytoplankton NA NA NA NA FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Bignose shark CARCHARHINUS ALTIMUS 929 483 160307 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Blacknose shark CARCHARHINUS ACRONOTUS 354 503 160304 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Blacktip shark CARCHARHINUS LIMBATUS 357 487 160318 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Dusky shark CARCHARHINUS OBSCURUS 3 484 160268 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Finetooth shark CARCHARHINUS ISODON 928 499 160409 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Great hammerhead SPHYRNA MOKARRAN 363 386 160515 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Shortfin mako ISURUS OXYRINCHUS 352 355 159924 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Silky shark CARCHARHINUS FALCIFORMIS 355 485 160310 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Tiger shark GALEOCERDO CUVIER 358 491 160189 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks White shark CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS 351 480 159903 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Basking shark CETORHINUS MAXIMUS NA 496 159907 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Mako longfin shark ISURUS PAUCUS NA 358 159926 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Mako shark ISURUS NA 357 159923 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Pelagic sharks LAMINIFORMES NA 498 159851 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Spinner shark CARCHARHINUS BREVIPINNA NA 488 160401 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Threshr bgeye shark ALOPIAS SUPERCILIOSUS NA 354 159921 FALSE
PSH Other pelagic sharks Whitetip oc shark CARCHARHINUS LONGIMANUS NA 490 160330 FALSE
QHG Ocean quahog Ocean quahog ARCTICA ISLANDICA 409 754 81343 TRUE
RCB Red deep-sea crab Red deep-sea crab CHACEON QUINQUEDENS 310 710 620992 TRUE
RED Acadian redfish Acadian redfish SEBASTES FASCIATUS 155 240 166774 TRUE
REP Marine turtles Green seaturtle CHELONIA MYDAS 951 809 173833 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Hawksbill seaturtle ERETMOCHELYS IMBRICATA 953 814 173836 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Kemp’s Ridley seaturtle LEPIDOCHELYS KEMPI 954 810 551770 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Leatherback seaturtle DERMOCHELYS CORIACEA 952 812 173843 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Loggerhead seaturtle CARETTA CARETTA 950 813 173830 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Olive Ridley seaturtle LEPIDOCHELYS OLIVACEA NA 818 173840 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Turtles unclassified TESTUDINES NA 816 173749 FALSE
REP Marine turtles Snapper turtle CHELYDRA SERPENTINA NA 815 173752 FALSE
RHK Red hake Red hake UROPHYCIS CHUSS 77 152 164730 TRUE
RWH Right whales Right whales NA NA NA NA TRUE
SAL Atlantic salmon Atlantic salmon SALMO SALAR 894 305 161996 TRUE
SB Seabirds Seabirds NA NA NA NA TRUE
SCA Sea scallop Sea scallop PLACOPECTEN MAGELLANICUS 401 800 79718 TRUE
SDF Atlantic states demersal fish American eel ANGUILLA ROSTRATA 384 115 161127 FALSE
SG Seagrass Seagrass NA NA NA NA FALSE
SHK Silver hake Silver hake MERLUCCIUS BILINEARIS 72 509 164791 TRUE
SHK Silver hake King whiting MENTICIRRHUS NA 197 169273 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Atlantic stingray DASYATIDAE 373 286 160946 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Atlantic torpedo RAJIDAE 21 365 160845 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Barndoor skate DIPTURUS LAEVIS 22 368 564139 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Bluntnose stingray NA 18 NA NA FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Bullnose ray NA 19 NA NA FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Clearnose skate RAJA EGLANTERIA 24 372 160855 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Cownose ray RHINOPTERA BONASUS 270 285 160985 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Rosette skate LEUCORAJA GARMANI 25 364 564136 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Roughtail stingray NA 4 NA NA FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Smooth skate MALACORAJA SENTA 27 369 564151 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Spotted eagle ray NA 271 NA NA FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Thorny skate AMBLYRAJA RADIATA 28 370 564149 FALSE
SK Northeast skate complex Yellow stingray NA 377 NA NA FALSE
SMO Smooth dogfish Smooth dogfish MUSTELUS CANIS 13 351 160230 TRUE
SSH Sandbar shark Sandbar shark CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS 9 482 160289 TRUE
STB Striped bass Striped bass MORONE SAXATILIS 139 418 167680 TRUE
SUF Summer flounder Summer flounder PARALICHTHYS DENTATUS 103 121 172735 TRUE
SWH Small toothed whales Small toothed whales NA NA NA NA TRUE
TAU Tautog Tautog TAUTOGA ONITIS 177 438 170479 TRUE
TUN Other tunas Albacore THUNNUS ALALUNGA 703 470 172419 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Bigeye tuna THUNNUS OBESUS 706 469 172428 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Blackfin tuna THUNNUS ATLANTICUS 705 464 172427 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Little tunny EUTHYNNUS ALLETTERATUS 743 468 172402 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Bonito SARDA SARDA NA 33 172409 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Dolphinfish CORYPHAENA HIPPURUS NA 105 168791 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Nk tuna THUNNUS NA 465 172418 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Skipjack tuna KATSUWONUS PELAMIS NA 466 172401 FALSE
TUN Other tunas Yellowfin tuna THUNNUS ALBACARES NA 471 172423 FALSE
TWH Toothed whales Toothed whales NA NA NA NA TRUE
TYL All tilefish Blueline tilefish CAULOLATILUS MICROPS 621 444 168543 FALSE
TYL All tilefish Tilefish LOPHOLATILUS CHAMAELEONTICEPS 151 446 168546 FALSE
TYL All tilefish Tilefish unclassified MALACANTHIDAE NA 447 168537 FALSE
TYL All tilefish Goldface tilefish CAULOLATILUS CHRYSOPS NA 443 168544 FALSE
TYL All tilefish Sand tilefish MALACANTHUS PLUMIERI NA 445 168548 FALSE
WHK White hake White hake UROPHYCIS TENUIS 76 153 164732 TRUE
WHK White hake White hake UROPHYCIS TENUIS 76 154 164732 TRUE
WIF Winter flounder Winter flounder PSEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERICANUS 106 120 172905 TRUE
WOL Wolffish Northern wolffish ANARHICHAS DENTICULATUS NA 668 550561 FALSE
WOL Wolffish Spotted wolffish ANARHICHAS MINOR NA 510 171342 FALSE
WOL Wolffish Atlantic Wolffish ANARHICHAS LUPUS 192 512 171341 FALSE
WPF Windowpane flounder Windowpane flounder SCOPHTHALMUS AQUOSUS 108 125 172746 TRUE
WSK Winter skate Winter skate LEUCORAJA OCELLATA 23 367 564145 TRUE
WTF Witch flounder Witch flounder GLYPTOCEPHALUS CYNOGLOSSUS 107 122 172873 TRUE
YTF Yellowtail flounder Yellowtail flounder LIMANDA FERRUGINEA 105 123 172909 TRUE
ZG Gelatinous zooplankton Gelatinous zooplankton NA NA NA NA FALSE
ZL Carnivorous zooplankton All carnivorous zooplankton NA NA NA NA FALSE
ZM Mesozooplankton Mesozooplankton NA NA NA NA FALSE
ZS Microzooplankton Microzooplankton NA NA NA NA FALSE