Source code for the discord bot Reifnir, made for the Norwegian-English Language Learning Exchange (NELLE).
- .NET 8 SDK
- Visual Studio (or any other preferred editor + dotnet command line tool)
- PostgreSQL 15+
Configure the bot token and connection string in user secrets:
"Nellebot:BotToken": "TOKEN_GOES_HERE"
"Nellebot:ConnectionString": "CONN_STRING_GOES_HERE"
or as environment variables:
Server=_DB_SERVER_IP_;Database=_DB_NAME_;User Id=_DB_USER_;Password=_DB_PASSWORD_;
Set Nellebot
as the startup project and run the project using Nellebot
dotnet run --project Nellebot
Set Nellebot
as the startup project and run the project using Docker
Set docker-vs
as the startup project and run the project using Docker Compose
Optionally, use Compose \W PgAdmin
profile to include a PgAdmin container.
docker build -t kattbot -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d --name kattbot kattbot
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Optionally, pass the --profile tools
flag to include a PgAdmin container.
- DSharp+ .net discord wrapper
- Scriban used for generating text and html templates
- WkHtmlToPdf used for rendering images from html
- MediatR used in CQRS pattern implementation
- Universitetet i Bergen og Språkrådet for the Ordbok API
- Npgsql .net data provider for PostgreSQL