The easiest way, how to support Logic Apps Polling Trigger in your .Net Core API.
- Fluent API - easy to use functional API, just like others
- State handling - first polling, previous polling, changes detected, no changes detected
- Splitting - start new Logic App workflow for every polled item
- Initial state factory - How to create initial state when the Logic App start polling
- Initial state predicate - Recognize empty state - Logic App started polling (timestamp not specified, etc)
- Polling task - Task that can poll changes based on a current state
- State transfer - compute new polling state based on previous state and polled data
- State serialization and deserialization
- Providing correct Status Code for Logic App
- Providing correct location for next polling in response headers
- Providing correct retry time for next polling in reponse headers
public class PollingDto
public PollingDto()
public PollingDto(DateTime? timeStamp) => TimeStamp = timeStamp;
public DateTime? TimeStamp { get; set; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
public Task<IActionResult> OnItemsUpdated([FromQuery] PollingDto pollingState)
var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //record tiem before polling started
return new FluentAsyncPollingTrigger<PollingDto, PollingOutput>()
.SetStateFactory(() => new PollingDto(DateTime.UtcNow))
.SetStateUpdate((oldState, polled) => new PollingDto(now))
.SetPollingStateEmptyPredicate(state => !state.TimeStamp.HasValue) // timestamp empty, Logic App is polling for the first time
.SetPollingTask(async state => await items.Where(x => x.UpdatedAt > state.TimeStamp).ToListAsync())
.PollAsAction(pollingState, _contextAccessor);
- FluentAsyncPollingTrigger is strongly typed
- You don't have to create new instance every time
- All you have to do is take infromation from the request, and poll data
Sometime we only want to track specific data
public class PollingDto
public PollingDto()
public PollingDto(DateTime? timeStamp, string companyName)
TimeStamp = timeStamp;
CompanyName = companyName;
public DateTime? TimeStamp { get; set; }
public string CompanyName {get; set; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
public Task<IActionResult> OnItemsUpdated([FromQuery] PollingDto pollingState)
var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //record tiem before polling started
return new FluentAsyncPollingTrigger<PollingDto, PollingOutput>()
// first, Logic App sends empty state with specified filter (e.g. CompanyName)
// we create initial polling state, with current timestamp and we keep, filter (CompanyName) unchanged
.SetStateFactory(() => new PollingDto(DateTime.UtcNow, pollingState.CompanyName))
.SetStateUpdate((oldState, polled) => {oldState.Timestamp = now; return oldState;})
.SetPollingStateEmptyPredicate(state => !state.TimeStamp.HasValue) // timestamp empty, Logic App is polling for the first time
.SetPollingTask(async state => await items.Where(x => x.UpdatedAt > state.TimeStamp && x.Company.Name == state.CompanyName).ToListAsync())
.PollAsAction(pollingState, _contextAccessor);
- Timestamp and CompanyName are automatically serialized as query parametrs
- So the next polling location for Logic App would be https://myapi/OnItemsUpdated?timestamp=2020.3.3&companyName=contoso
- Once the Logic App polling trigger calls our API again, the query parameters gets deserialized into PollingDto automatically