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Software responsible for extracting DDoS Fingerprints from traffic captures.


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DDoS Dissector

The Dissector summarizes DDoS attack traffic from stored traffic captures (pcap/flows). The resulting summary is in the form of a DDoS Fingerprint; a JSON file in which the attack's characteristics are described.

How to use the Dissector

Option 1: in Docker

You can run DDoS Dissector in a docker container. This way, you do not have to install dependencies yourself and can start analyzing traffic captures right away. The only requirement is to have Docker installed and running.

  1. Pull the docker image from docker hub: docker pull nladc/dissector
  2. Run dissector in a docker container:
    docker run -i --network="host" --env UID=$(id -u) --env GID=$(id -g) \
    --mount type=bind,source=/abs-path/to/config.ini,target=/etc/config.ini \
    -v /abs-path/to/data:/data \
    nladc/dissector -f /data/capture_file [options]
    Note: We bind-mount the config file with DDoS-DB and MISP tokens to /etc/config.ini, and create a volume mount for the location of capture files. We use the local network to also allow connections to a locally running instance of DDoS-DB or MISP. Fingerprints are saved in your-data-volume/fingerprints

Option 2: Installed locally

  1. Install the dependencies to read PCAPs (either pcap-converter or tshark+tcpdump) and Flows (nfdump):

  2. Clone the Dissector repository

    git clone;
    cd ddos_dissector;
  3. [Advised] create a python virtual environment or conda environment for the dissector and install the python requirements:


    python -m venv ./python-venv
    source python-venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt


    conda create -n dissector python=3.10
    conda activate dissector
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Get a traffic capture file to be analized (PCAP files should have the .pcap extension, Flows should have the .nfdump extension)

  5. Run the dissector:

    python src/ -f data/attack_traffic.nfdump --summary


    ____  _                     __            
   / __ \(_)____________  _____/ /_____  _____
  / / / / / ___/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ __/ __ \/ ___/
 / /_/ / (__  |__  )  __/ /__/ /_/ /_/ / /    

usage: [-h] -f FILES [FILES ...] [--summary] [--output OUTPUT] [--config CONFIG] [--nprocesses N] [--target TARGET] [--ddosdb]
               [--misp] [--graph] [--noverify] [--show-target] [--tshark] [--debug]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILES [FILES ...], --file FILES [FILES ...]
                        Path to Flow / PCAP file(s)
  --summary             Optional: print fingerprint without source addresses
  --output OUTPUT       Path to directory in which to save the fingerprint (default: ./fingerprints)
  --config CONFIG       Path to DDoS-DB and/or MISP config file (default: /etc/config.ini)
  --nprocesses N        Number of processes used to read and process PCAPs (default: number of CPU cores (#))
  --target TARGET       Optional: Specify target IP address of this attack (subnet currently unsupported)
  --ddosdb              Optional: Directly upload fingerprint to DDoS-DB
  --misp                Optional: Directly upload fingerprint to MISP
  --graph               Optional: Create graphs of the attack, stored alongside the fingerprint
  --noverify            Optional: Do not verify TLS certificates (accept self-signed certificates)
  --show-target         Optional: Do NOT anonymize the target IP address/network in the fingerprint
  --tshark              Optional: Force use of tshark/tcpdump over pcap-converter, even if it is present
  --debug               Optional: Show debug messages

Example: python src/ -f /data/part1.nfdump /data/part2.nfdump --summary --config ./localhost.ini --ddosdb --noverify

DDoS Fingerprint format

Example Fingerprints

Note: numbers and addresses are fabricated but are inspired by real fingerprints.

(Click to expand) Fingerprint from FLOW data: Multivector attack with LDAP amplification and TCP SYN flood
"attack_vectors": [
    "service": "HTTPS",
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "source_port": 443,
    "fraction_of_attack": 0.21,
    "destination_ports": {
      "443": 1.0
    "tcp_flags": {
      "......S.": 0.704,
      "others": 0.296
    "nr_flows": 7946,
    "nr_packets": 39900000,
    "nr_megabytes": 34530,
    "time_start": "2022-01-30 12:49:09",
    "duration_seconds": 103,
    "source_ips": [
    "service": "LDAP",
    "protocol": "UDP",
    "source_port": 389,
    "fraction_of_attack": 0.79,
    "destination_ports": {
      "8623": 0.837,
      "36844": 0.163
    "tcp_flags": null,
    "nr_flows": 38775,
    "nr_packets": 31365000,
    "nr_megabytes": 101758,
    "time_start": "2022-01-30 12:49:01",
    "duration_seconds": 154,
    "source_ips": [
"target": "Anonymous",
"tags": [
  "Amplification attack",
  "Multi-vector attack",
  "TCP flag attack",
"key": "601fd86e43c004281210cb02d7f6d821",
"time_start": "2022-01-30 12:49:01",
"time_end": "2022-01-30 12:51:35",
"duration_seconds": 154,
"total_flows": 46721,
"total_megabytes": 102897,
"total_packets": 189744000,
"total_ips": 4397,
"avg_bps": 5193740008,
"avg_pps": 960028,
"avg_Bpp": 497
(Click to expand) Fingerprint from PCAP data: DNS amplification attack with fragmented packets
  "attack_vectors": [
      "service": "Fragmented IP packets",
      "protocol": "UDP",
      "source_port": 0,
      "fraction_of_attack": null,
      "destination_ports": {
        "0": 1.0
      "tcp_flags": null,
      "nr_packets": 4190,
      "nr_megabytes": 5,
      "time_start": "2013-08-15 01:32:40.901023+02:00",
      "duration_seconds": 0,
      "source_ips": [
      "ethernet_type": {
        "IPv4": 1.0
      "frame_len": {
        "1514": 0.684,
        "693": 0.173,
        "296": 0.057,
        "others": 0.086
      "fragmentation_offset": {
        "0": 0.727,
        "1480": 0.247,
        "others": 0.026
      "ttl": {
        "54": 0.159,
        "57": 0.142,
        "55": 0.123,
        "59": 0.119,
        "others": 0.457
      "service": "DNS",
      "protocol": "UDP",
      "source_port": 53,
      "fraction_of_attack": 0.945,
      "destination_ports": "random",
      "tcp_flags": null,
      "nr_packets": 166750,
      "nr_megabytes": 21,
      "time_start": "2013-08-15 00:56:40.211654+02:00",
      "duration_seconds": 22,
      "source_ips": [
      "ethernet_type": {
        "IPv4": 1.0
      "frame_len": {
        "103": 0.695,
        "87": 0.208,
        "others": 0.097
      "fragmentation_offset": {
        "0": 1.0
      "ttl": {
        "120": 0.1,
        "119": 0.085,
        "121": 0.085,
        "118": 0.07,
        "others": 0.66
      "dns_query_name": {
        "": 0.999
      "dns_query_type": {
        "A": 0.999
  "target": "Anonymous",
  "tags": [
    "Fragmentation attack",
    "Amplification attack",
  "key": "2e8c013d61ccaf88a1016828c16b9f0e",
  "time_start": "2013-08-15 00:56:40.211654+02:00",
  "time_end": "2013-08-15 00:57:03.199791+02:00",
  "duration_seconds": 22,
  "total_packets": 176393,
  "total_megabytes": 22,
  "total_ips": 8044,
  "avg_bps": 8039206,
  "avg_pps": 8017,
  "avg_Bpp": 125


EU Flag This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 830927.