Compile and run Haste and hplayground programs. It is a minimal IDE with edit-compile-run capabilities. Additionally it can compile and run git project.
ghc, haste and hplayground (and perch) are preinstalled, but it can also run any Haste project. Since it uses haste-inst, it can install any dependency.
The edit/compile/run page with an example
The changes are erased by heroku from time to time. To save the generated HTML+Javascript,tun the application full page and download the HTML. That way you can redistribute it, run locally in your phone etc.
To see a typical example of Haste git project that tryhplay can compile and run, see the todo project
This is a very early version, so it will have a lot of bugs.
If you want to install it in your computer, install ghc, install Haste and do it as usual in a
haskell project. Run the executable tryplayground
Since my heroku instance has limited resources, create your own and transfer my tryplay slug This is easy:
signup to and download the heroku console software
in a terminal of your PC, create the instance:
> heroku create yourinstance
install anvil
> heroku plugins:install
Search for my last compilation slug of tryhplay in [travis] ( .Open the last one, unfold "Deproying application". You will find a line similar to:
Success, slug is
that is the last slug. Install it in your heroku instance:
> heroku release
Finally set the PATH environment variable:
> heroku config:set PATH=/app/ghc/bin:/app/.cabal/bin:/app/bin:/app/node_modules/.bin:node_modules/.bin:/app/bin:/app/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin --app tryplayg
--app yourinstance
to all heroku commands if you are not in the folder where the instance was created.
Alternatively, after installing anvil, you can build and release everithing from scratch.To do so in the tryhplay folder perform:
> heroku build -r -b
But it is quite long.