Sour Grapes is a web app for wine lovers! Review and keep track of wines you've tried and never forget tasting notes again!
Front End Repo Front End Deployed
Back End Repo Back End Deployed
- Fork and clone this repository
- Checkout to a new branch
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Start server with
npm start
- I started by brainatorming and coming up with my project idea. I decided on a place for wine lovers to rate and review wines and keep track of ones theyve tried. Next, I created an ERD to show the relationship between our resources (the user, and wines). Next, I drew up a wireframe to plan out how the UI would appear to the user. I then wrote user stories to layout the functionality I wanted to create for the user experience.
I went trhough methodically and added each CRUD action one by one, starting with Create, then my two Show components, and lastly my Update and Delete actions. For each CRUD action, I went through and created the component, added the route to App.js, and made sure to add my axios calls in api/wines.js. One by one, as each CRUD action was added, I began to test. Once testing and troubleshooting an individual component was complete and functioning properly, I made sure to commit my work.
-Troubleshooting 'Update': I had a few bugs with my update component that I had to troubleshoot to fix. First, My url path on my app was going to 'wines/undefined' because I was directing it to 'id' instead of '_id' and I had not defined 'id'. Next, I updated 'wine' to be 'wines' in my this.setState on my 'ShowUserWines' component. These 2 changes fixed my Update bug, to make it work properly.
-Troubleshooting 'Delete': I had intially created a seperate component for delete, but ended up getting rid of it and writing my code for the 'delete' feature inside of my IndexUserReviews class component. I put my success and failure messages inside of my handleDelete function and passed in 'id'. Inside of my render, I was initially trying to redirect to the 'dalete-wine' path, but I should have been redirecting the user back to an index page to show all wines after one has been deleted.
-As a user, I want to be able to sign up -As a user, I want to be able to sign in -As a user, I want to be able to change my password -As a user, I want to be able to sign out -As a user, I want to be able to view all of my wines -As a user, I want to be able to view a single wine entry -As a user, I want to be able to create a new wine entry -As a user, I want to be able to edit a wine entry -As a user, I want to be able to delete a wine entry -As a user, I want to be able to view all wine entries, even if they aren't mine
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- React
- Axios
- Github Pages
- I would like for my page to redirect user to 'Show user wines' once wine review has been created