Website for Bengans Biluthyrning, created by the group "1/4 Finsk"
This project uses
- Python
Google Chrome is used during testing.
- Pip
- Python requirements shown in testRequirements.txt, to install run
pip install -r ./tests/testRequirements.txt
w3's online markup validation service is used for code validation.
Tests use the seleniumbase library.
w3schools coding standard is used as the HTML and CSS coding standard.
PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code is used as the Python coding standard.
camelCase (ex: testVariableOne)
programming language default:
- HTML: <!--[text here]-->
- CSS: /*[text here]*/
- Python: #[text here]
Unless everyone present has worked together, the remaining people must check the task before it can be considered done.
Code must pass all relevant tests and code validation.
Code must follow the coding standard.
All documents and spreadsheets must be uploaded to Google Drive and all code must be uploaded to GitHub.
Task must be submitted to the presentation document if it is present in the backlog.