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A circuit folding interface embedded in Berkeley's ABC system.


Circuit folding is a process of transforming a combinational logic circuit Cc into a sequential circuit Cs, which after time-frame expansion, is functionally equivalent to the original combinational circuit Cc. It can be done via a functional BDD-based method or a structural AIG-based method. The proposed circuit folding techniques can be useful in testbench generation, sequential synthesis of bounded strategies, time multiplexing in FPGAs, and various applications in logic synthesis.

If you like to learn more about this research work, please refer to these references.

How to Compile

This repository contains an extension module of ABC. Please follow the instructions below to compile[1] this project.

git clone           # clone ABC
git clone   # clone this repository
ln -s $PWD/ext-folding/ abc/src/.                       # link this repository to abc/src/
cd abc/ && make                                         # build ABC with the extension module

Alternately, we also provide the Dockerfile to build the docker image capable of executing our codes.

git clone   # clone this repository
docker build -t folding ext-folding/                    # build the docker image
docker run -it folding                                  # start a container

[1]: Note that the codes in this project are written in C++11, you may need to set CXXFLAGS := -std=c++11 in abc/Makefile.

Command Usage

Circuit Folding Commands

To fold a logic circuit, 3 commands are provided.

  • time_fold (time-fram folding): It is a reverse operation of time-frame unfolding (expansion). Its input circuit should be in iterative (or time-frame expanded) form.
  • func_fold (functional BDD-based folding): It is an extension of time_fold. Its input is no longer restricted to iterative circuits. Any general combinational circuits would work.
  • stru_fold (structural AIG-based foldig): It takes the same input as func_fold. When compared to func_fold, stru_fold is more scalable but the size of the resulting folded circuit is usually less optimal.

Different from stru_fold, which directly generate a folded circuit as a result, commands time_fold and func_fold produce as their outputs finite state machines (FSM) in KISS2 format. You can further apply some minimization techniques (such as stamina and MeMin) to the obtained FSM and encode it into a logic circuit.

The usage of the 3 commands are listed below.

usage: time_fold [-t <num>] [-l <log_file>] [-cvh] <kiss_file>
                     performs time-frame folding on the given iterative (time-frame expanded) circuit and transform it into a FSM in KISS format
        -t         : the number of time-frames to be folded
        -l         : toggles logging of the runtime [default = off]
        -c         : toggles equivalence checking with the original circuit [default = off]
        -v         : toggles verbosity [default = on]
        -h         : prints the command usage
        kiss_file  : (optional) output KISS file name [default = stdout]
usage: func_fold [-t <num>] [-l <log_file>] [-e <config>] [-cvh] <kiss_file>
                     time multiplexing via functional circuit folding (w/ PO pin sharing)
        -t         : the number of time-frames to be folded
        -l         : toggles logging of the runtime [default = off]
        -e         : toggles experimental configuration (0, 1, 2, 3) [default = 2]
        -c         : toggles equivalence checking with the original circuit [default = off]
        -v         : toggles verbosity [default = on]
        -h         : prints the command usage
        kiss_file  : (optional) output KISS file name [default = stdout
usage: stru_fold [-t <num>] [-l <log_file>] [-o <out_file>] [-i <split_info> <perm_info>] [-mpcvh]
                     time multiplexing via structural circuit folding (w/ PO pin sharing)
        -t         : the number of time-frames to be folded
        -l         : toggles the logging of runtime [default = off]
        -o         : toggles whether to write the circuit into the specified file [default = off]
        -i         : reads the circuit partitioning and permutation information [default = NULL, NULL]
        -m         : toggles the minimization of flip-flop usage [default = off]
        -p         : toggles the permutation of circuit inputs [default = off]
        -c         : toggles equivalence checking with the original circuit [default = off]
        -v         : toggles verbosity [default = on]
        -h         : prints the command usage

Miscellaneous Commands

Additionally, we implemented some useful helper commands, which are not directly related to circuit folding.

  • memin: It is a tool for SAT-based exact minimization of incompletely specified Mealy machines. The source code is copied and modified from the original MeMin repository.
  • kiss_to_blif: It converts a FSM into a sequential logic circuit in BLIF format with different state encoding methods.

The usage of these commands are listed below.

usage: memin [-np] [-nl] [-v {0,1}] [-rh] <input_kiss> <output_kiss>
                        : performs SAT-based exact FSM minimization
        -np             : do not include the 'partial solution' in the SAT problem
        -nl             : like -np, but does also not use the size of the 'partial solution' as a lower bound (i.e., does not need the partial solution at all)
        -v {0,1}        : toggles the verbosity level
        -r              : if no reset state is specified, any state might be a reset state (otherwise, the first state is assumed to be the reset state)
        -h              : prints the command usage
        input_kiss      : the input FSM in KISS format for minimization
        output_kiss     : the output FSM in KISS format after minimization
usage: kiss_to_blif [-derh] <in.kiss> <out.blif>
                     converts a FSM in KISS format into a sequential circuit in BLIF format
        -d         : the replacing value of don't care outputs [default = 0]
        -e         : the encoding scheme of the states [default = natural]
        -r         : toggles whether to replace current network [default = off]
        -h         : prints the command usage
        in_kiss    : input KISS file
        out_blif   : output BLIF file

Check example/ for some simple examples to run our tool.


Please refer to the following papers if you are interested in our work. You may cite our papers with the provided BibTex entries.

  • ICCAD 2019 paper:

        author      = {Po-Chun Chien and Jie-Hong Roland Jiang},
        title       = {Time-Frame Folding: Back to the Sequentiality},
        booktitle   = {Proceedings of the International Conference of Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)},
        year        = {2019},
        doi         = {10.1109/iccad45719.2019.8942078}
  • DAC 2020 paper:

        author      = {Po-Chun Chien and Jie-Hong Roland Jiang},
        title       = {Time Multiplexing via Circuit Folding},
        booktitle   = {Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference (DAC)},
        year        = {2020},
        doi         = {10.1109/dac18072.2020.9218552}
  • Master's Thesis:

        author  = {Po-Chun Chien},
        title   = {Circuit Folding: From Combinational to Sequential Circuits},
        school  = {National Taiwan University},
        year    = {2020},
        doi     = {10.6342/NTU202001058}


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