Repo with files for remote acquisition of files / artifacts. Add the "collectkit" File in MDE's Live Response session's library and start using it:
Help: run collectkit help
Redline commands: run collectkit RL-[RL capture]
- depending on the capture this can take a while
Running commands that require arguments (like paths): run collectkit "[command] '[argument]'"
In Paloalto XDR open a live terminal and go to PowerShell: once there you can use the command: Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination ./collectkit; PowerShell -ep bypass ./collectkit help
to download the file and execute it.
Help: PowerShell -ep bypass ./collectkit help
Commands after the script has downloaded: PowerShell -ep bypass ./collectkit [command]
Commands with arguments after the script has downloaded: PowerShell -ep bypass ./collectkit "[command] '[argument]'"
Redline Captures
RL-Win-Basic: Runs a Basic Fast redline script for windows: Memory, Network, Services, Tasks, Persitence, Users. - collection can take longer depending on how much calculations are needed.
RL-Win-Mem-Fast: Runs a redline Windows script that gets Memory, Network, Services & Tasks. - collection can take longer depending on how much calculations are needed.
Memory Captures
Get-Mem: Makes a Memdump. Can take longer depending on how much memory the system has. 8GB RAM can take up to 15+ min.
Get-Proc: Makes a dump of a process using procdump. Usage: <run collectkit 'Get-Proc <procID|procName>'>
Browser Captures
Get-Extentions: Gets Lists & gets the user's browser extentions. - Only Chrome supported (for now)
Get-BrowserFiles: Get all files stored by a browser currently supported: IE, MS Edge, Chrome, Firefox
List Files
List-DefaultFolder: Lists the files in the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\Downloads\
Get-Folder: Zips the specified folder and makes it available for download (default MDE download size is max 3GB)
- Remediate-Item: removes a given file/folder by using 'Remove-Item -Recurse -Force [dir/file]'
- Rm-Collection: Removes the file used in all collections.