This is a fun quest to find out different ways to print "Hello, World!" in java. It helps me refresh some concepts and it's a good exercise to think of new methods (java pun) to write a Hello World program.
If you want, you can also contribute to 1000-ways-to-print-hello-world-in-python, an initiative by Goku-kun.
[1] The usual way
[2] Using Command Line arguments
[3] Constructors!
[4] Am I inheriting multiple classes?
[5] Create a file. Write a file. Read a file. Thug life!
[6] Do I have to implement that?
[7] Swinging Buttons.
[8] Shh! Thread is sleeping.
[9] Runnable animation with a slice of Random
[10] Brute force. This is going to take a while (loop pun!).
[11] I make my own Exceptions.
[12] Using ENUM by pinarkaymaz6
[13] This guy Scanned it. by Crashn
[14] I ACSII you to print Hello World by Dirgh-Kotharia
[15] Let's join the String by gilletted
[16] Well, I'm just calling functions by dictionary243
[17] main() comes in second as static block steals the first spot!
[18] I assume therefore I assert.
[19] Olny a couple ways to say things.
[20] Good grid! by rmehri01
[21] System will do it for me.
[22] Recursion by CarltonBranch
[23] Lists ☑️ by Goku-kun
[24] Do it without a Semicolon! by subhamsagar524
[25] From morse code! by EnzoRobaina
[26] jaspervhaastert had a little lambda.
[27] Charing for each by Vishant93
[28] rsdiz uses a Map to navigate.
[29] notjacob-dev threw the output into a pastebin!
[30] A temp output but not if you argue, by notjacob-dev
[31] Framing the output by nafladiva
[32] A decisive array by Roshanpaswan
[33] Calling all characters by Aditi-Roy-coder
[34] ICP, UCP but Symbolism00 uses TCP!
[35] We'll always have singleton Gajendrakm
[36] ParthPali chars recursively.
[37] rangolucas is ASCII you to see the art!
[38] esrever ni tub ,dlrow olleh by 0xdeki
[39] Hello World Using Callable by RamGSuri
[40] Serving Hello World by WOLFI3654
[41] It's a colorful World by AlankritaShah
[42] Char level precision by voidHimanshu
[43] Why use default when you can have your own class print the output by akshatagrawal9874
[44] Con is the only currency we know by Pinkolik
[45] Well, this was a Brainf*** by Pinkolik
[46] (SimonaMS)[] makes stars.
[47] The OG UI component by syedzubeen
[48] The Spring injection overkill by AlessandroArosio
[49] Life needs a little Reflection by apol657
[50] Serialization/Deserialization by hryxna
[51] When 10 is not enough, use 16 by harisfi
[52] Slide to make it appear.
[53] Charful randomization by BrandonWerbel
[54] The unsual way of printing by pavan-nw
[55] pavan-nw has the glue to join strings.
[56] Somethings in life are java.util.Optional
by pavan-nw
[57] pavan-nw made it Exceptionally fun.
[58] amogh2019 is a Quick Sorter.
[59] Who doesn't like a matrix? by rufatiani
[60] vaishakhvh respects Properties
[61] A Streamy Affair by (yrahul3910)[]
[62] Selective removal by (AlexNorth-PNG)[]
[63] The OG search method by (ShadowFax1731)[]
[64] The Builder will fix it by JohnHanna
[65] That's a Queued way to do it by vaibhavss08
[66] shreyavi called it like a pro!
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- Push to the branch:
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