Develop an application for personal budget management. The same must allow to create and edit income and expenses of money, and show a balance resulting from the registered operations.
MyBudget App is developed with the following technologies:
● React
● Typescript (Frontend and Backend)
● Redux
● Sequelize
● PostgreSQL
● Express
● NodeJs
● CSS PURE (styled-components) (no frameworks)
The application contain:
● Operation registration form. It contain:
○ Concept
○ Amount
○ Date
○ Type (income or expense)
● List of operations registered according to their type (income or expense).
● From the list, it be possible to modify or delete a registered operation
previously. It not be possible to modify the type of operation (income or expense) once created (Alkemy Challenge Requirements).
Additionally, it contain:
● User authentication
Registration and login form to identify the user who uses the application, and link the registered operations to the user authenticated in the system, both for listing and creating new records. The essential data to allow the entry are an email and password.
●Operation Categories
Functionality to categorize the operations registered in the manager, such as for example, a category “food” to categorize expenses. Additionally, possibility of listing operations by category.
● The design must be responsive, being able to use pure CSS or some framework from front-end
● Clean code, good programming practices, in English language
● Correct database design
● GIT best practices: declarative and atomized commits
● Best practices for path names