Graph-MP (A Generalized Matching Pursuit Approach for Graph-Structured Sparsity). We already cited the authors of all related open source code. If you use our code, please cite our paper "A Generalized Matching Pursuit Approach for Graph-Structured Sparsity" (link), which will be appeared in IJCAI-2016. I want to say thank you to Ludwig Schmidt who is a Ph.D. student from MIT. He provided his fast-pcst c++ code to me. You can access the fast-pcst c++ code in the this link
Before you run this code, make sure you have maven and Java 1.8 on your machine. I tested all of the code under Linux environment. If you have errors or problems when you use the code on Windows or Mac OS, please let me know. My email is
Need to be installed:
2. Java 1.8
3. git
git clone
cd path/to/Graph-MP
mvn compile
mvn test