Nalu, a generalized unstructured massively parallel low Mach flow code designed to support energy applications of interest.
The Department of Energy (DOE), by memo dated 05/13/2014, has granted Sandia permission to assert its copyright in software entitled "Nalu v 1.0".
When disseminating technical work that includes Nalu simulations, please reference the following citation:
Domino, S. "Sierra Low Mach Module: Nalu Theory Manual 1.0", SAND2015-3107W, Sandia National Laboratories Unclassified Unlimited Release (UUR), 2015.
This document can be found under the Nalu Documentation.
The Nalu documentation website is located here.
Detailed build instructions for Nalu and the accompanied required TPLs, e.g., Trilinos, YAML, etc., can be found in the Nalu Documentation.
Nightly testing results can be seen by clicking the CDash logo above. More details on testing can be found here.
Projects that are using Nalu should use the formal github issue tracking for any questions or help. Issues are addressed by the Nalu user/developer community subject to availability.