Dummy api repository for testing/learning frontend using json-server and json-schema-faker for generate dummy data.
There are four entities:
- person:
{ "id": "number", "name": "string", "age": "number", "email": "string", "phone": "string", "addressesId": ["number"], "animalsId": ["number"], "productsId": ["number"] }
- animal:
{ "id": "number", "identification": "string", "specie": "string" }
- address:
{ "id": "number", "city": "string", "county": "string", "state": "string", "zipCode": "number" }
- product:
{ "id": "number", "imageUrl": "string", "name": "string", "department": "string", "price": "string", "comment": "string" }
Each entity has endpoints using their plural because HTTP GET return a list:
- /api/people
- /api/animals
- /api/addresses
- /api/products
On POST, PUT and PATCH of people and addresses has a middleware to validade the body
- name: should be string
- age: should be integer > 18 and < 80
- email: should be string
- phone: should be string
- addressesId: should be array of number
- animalsId: should be array of number
- productsId: should be array of number
- city: should be string
- county: should be string
- state: should be string
- zipCode: should be number
products: you cannot submit a new product
You can create any properties that you want, but it will be only a temp property, because the data is not persistent.