Reading in an arbitrary string in a specific format, extracting the data and running calculations. Further setting the results into a string for output.
### Terms ###
Net Assets Valuation (NAV) = value of total asset in portfolio. Percentage NAV = percentage weight of an asset based on a bench mark.
### Equations ###
NAV(portfolio) = Sum(quantity(X1)*price(X1)):X1 is element(asset) of portfolio %NAV(X1-portfolio) = (quantity(X1)*price(X1)) * 100 / NAV(Portfolio)
### More Terms ###
portfolio(overweight) = (%NAV(X1-portfolio)) > (%NAV(X1-benchmark) portfolio(underoverweight) = (%NAV(X1-portfolio)) < (%NAV(X1-benchmark)
If given string in the format:
ex) PRTF:AYU,0,10;VFR,20,30;GYR,10,30|BENCH:AYU,50,10;VFR,30,30;FWT,30,20
Calculate and display the difference in %NAV
Output of program should be in format(assets also need to be in alphabetical order):
<asset1>:<(%NAV(X1-portfolio)) - (%NAV(X1-benchmark)>,<asset2>:<(%NAV(X2-portfolio)) - (%NAV(X2-benchmark)>,...