Quostatic is a hub of countless intellectual, witful, inspirational, thought-provoking and exquisite quotes from the best thinkers and most influential figures till the date across the globe.
It's a fully responsive website.
This project uses the Quotable API to fetch a random quote pertaining to some specific thinkers and categories every time the user requests.
Screenshot of the project
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS Flexboxes
- JavaScript
- Mobile-first workflow
- HTTP response status codes
property of a Response object returns the HTTP response status code
- Quotable API
- CSS Glassmorphism Generator from Democoding can be super useful if you want to create the glass effect in your projects. They also have some other cools tools on their website as well, by the way.
You know what? I'm ever hungry for the criticism. So, please don't be shy. All your suggestions and feedbacks are always welcomed! Feel free to contact for feedbacks and/or suggestions at mamailforgithub@gmail.com.
Have a nice rest of your day