Use express-generator to create the boilerplate code
Following are the steps to generate the app:
Step 1: Create a new directory and go to the directory
mkdir newdir cd newdir
Step 2: Install express using npm. If you do not have npm installed, follow the steps given - Install npm
npm install express
Step 3: Install Express Generator npm module.
npm install express-generator@latest
Step 4: Create the directory structure by running the command "express". You can set the view engine of your choice. Available choices are: dust|ejs|hbs|hjs|jade|pug|twig|vash. You can also set css engine according to your choice by using the command --css=(less|stylus|compass|sass) (defaults to plain css) Add a gitignore file using the command: --git
express --view=ejs
Step 5: Install the dependencies
npm install
Step 6: Start the app.
npm start
Step 7: Access the app using "localhost:3000". You can change the port in the file bin/www
Not adding .gitingore file so the you can explore the node_modules folder.
Happy coding!