MongoTcl provides a Tcl interface to the MongoDB C API.
Open source under the permissive Berkeley copyright, see file LICENSE
Requires the MongoDB C driver to be installed. Currently builds against version 0.8.1.
sudo make install
For FreeBSD, something like
./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.5 --mandir=/usr/local/man --enable-symbols
package require mongo
MongoTcl provides three object creation commands...
- ::mongo::mongo, to access MongoDB databases, query and update them
- ::mongo::bson, to create and manipulate bson objects
- $mongo cursor, to create a cursor object from a MongoDB object
BSON stands for Binary JSON, is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents. It has a JSON-like structure but is extended to support data types beyond the JSON spec, like it has several binary data types.
BSON is intended to be lightweight, traversable and efficient and it's the primary data representation for MongoDB.
More about bson at
More on MongoDB's use of BSON at
MongoTcl has a bson object and the bson creator is invoked to create bson objects, simiarly to iTcl objects
::mongo::bson create name
set obj [::mongo::bson create #auto]
- $bson init
Initialize or reinitialize the bson object. It's initialized upon creation.
- $bson string $key $value
Append a key and value to the bson object.
- $bson int $key $value
Append a key and value to the bson object where the value is an integer.
- $bson long $key $value
Append a key and value to the bson object where the value is a long.
- $bson double $key $value
Append a key and value to the bson object where the value is a double-precision floating point value.
- $bson bool $key $value
Append a key and a boolean value to the bson object.
- $bson date $key $epoch
Append a key and epoch to the bson object. Stored in milliseconds but program multiplies by 1000. Probably shouldn't and you should use clock clicks -milliseconds for current time.
- $bson null $key
Append a key and a null.
- $bson undefined $key
Append a key and an undefined.
- $bson array_set $list ?typeArray?
Import a list of key-value pairs. Values are encoded as strings by default.
If the typeArray is specified then for each field, see if the field can be found in the type array. If it is found, the corresponding array element specifies the bson data type to be encoded, from the following list:
- string
- int
- long
- double
- bool
- date
- null
- undefined
- binary_generic
- binary_function
- binary_uuid
- binary_md5
- binary_user_defined
- bson
Example usage
$bson array_set [array get row] typeArray
- $bson binary type key $binaryData
Append a key and binary data. Type can be ''generic'', ''function'', ''uuid'', ''md5'', ''user_defined''.
Keys and values being appended can be expressed in a single statement.
- $bson bson key bsonObject
Append a key and contents of a bson object to the bson object.
- $bson start_array
Begin an array.
Note that the docs say that it's still key value but the keys need to be 0, 1, 2, etc, so for now you have to roll your own although this could easily be coded as a proc or C method.
$bson finish_array
$bson new_oid $field
$bson start_object
Start a subobject.
- $bson end_object
End a subobject.
- $bson finish
Finish the bson object. I guess this rounds it out and completes it.
- $bson new_oid $key
Append a key and a bson-library-generated oid to the bson object.
- $bson to_list
Enumerate bson object as a list.
- $bson to_array arrayName ?typeArrayName?
Enumerate bson object as an array of key-value pairs. Embedded bson arrays and objects are set to contain subordinate bson in list format.
if typeArrayName is specified, for each key of the key-value pairs, an element is inserted into typeArray for the same key with the value being the name of the bson datatype such as int, double, string, oid, etc.
- $bson delete
Delete the bson object.
- $bson print
Print is for debugging only, it sort of shows you what's in the bson object.
Most of the methods can be combined in a single command, for example:
$bson init string "name" "Joe" int "age" 33 finish
Example usage
- Storing binary data read from a file into a bson object:
set bson [::mongo::bson #auto]
$bson init
$bson array_set [array get arrayName]
set fp [open $file]
fconfigure $fp -translation binary -encoding binary
$bson generic png_data [read $fp]
close $fp
$bson finish
The ''to_array'' approach doesn't provide all of the capabilities for composing bson on its own, but it is easy to use while providing high performance.
set mongo [::mongo::mongo create #auto]
- $mongo init
Initialize or reinitialize the mongo object. Like bson, it's initialize upon creation.
- $mongo insert $namespace $bson
Insert the specified bson object in the database with the specified namespace.
- $mongo update $namespace $condBson $opBson ?updateType?
Update the specified bson object. condBson is the update query in bson. opBson is the bson update data. The update type can be ''basic'', ''multi'', ''upsert''. ''basic'' is used if update type isn't specified.
- $mongo insert_batch $namespace $bsonObjectList
Theoretically this will insert a list of bson objects in the specified namespace (a namespace like '''tutorial.persons''') and have higher performance than calling it one row at a time.
- $mongo remove $namespace $bson
Removes a document from a MongoDB server. bson is the bson query.
- $mongo cursor name namespace
Create a cursor for this MongoDB connection. Name is the name of the object created. If name is #auto, a unique name will be automatically generated and returned.
Cursor methods can then be invoked to move through the query results (or all rows, whatever).
It is expected that people will mainly use the ''search'' composite method defined in ''mongo.tcl'' and documented below.
$mongo find $namespace $bsonQuery $bsonFields $limit $skip $options
$mongo count $db $collection
Return a count of object in the collection.
- $mongo last_error $db
Return the last error.
- $mongo prev_error $db
Return the previous error.
- $mongo write_concern concern_option ?concern_option?
The write_concern method takes one or more options. ''ignore_errors'' says to ignore errors. Webpages at warn not to use the write concern that ignores errors in normal operation.
''unacknowledged'', the default, says to write unacknowledged, while ''acknowledged'' says to write acknowledged. Acknowledged causes mongod to confirm the receipt of the write operation. This write concern allows clients to catch errors such as network, duplicate key, and others.
In addition to the above options, which are one-of-three, ''journaled'' requires the data to have been committed to the journal before returning. ''replica_acknowledged'' requires the write to have propagated to the members of a replica set before returning.
- $mongo create_index $namespace $keyBson $outBson ?optionList?
Create an index. This can easily done from some CLI that comes with MongoDB, anyway.
The option list contains zero or more instances of the following keywords: * unique - reject documents that contain a duplicate value for the indexed field. * drop_dups - indexing will fail if you ask for a unique index on a field that already has duplicate values. This option will index the first occurrence of a value for the key and delete all subsequent values. * sparse - make the index only contain entries for documents that contain the indexed field, i.e. if the field is null for a document then the document doesn't appear in the index if this option is specified. * background - During index creation the database holding the collection is unavailable for read or write operations by default. If the background option is set then indexing will run in the background, allowing other database operations to run while the index is being created.
- $mongo set_op_timeout $ms
Set operation timeout in milliseconds.
- $mongo client $address $port
Define a connection to an address and port. A later C API (yet to be seen on FreeBSD ports and not configuring cleanly natively) supports a URL-type structure.
- $mongo reconnect
Reconnect to the database.
- $mongo disconnect
Disconnect from the database.
- $mongo check_connection
Check the database connection status. Returns 0 or 1.
- $mongo is_master ?bson?
Return 1 if we are connected to the master, 0 otherwise. bson, if present, is the name of a bson object that will receive detailed information about the database.
$mongo replica_set_init
$mongo replica_set_add_seed $address $port
$mongo replica_set_client
$mongo clear_errors
Clear errors.
- $mongo authenticate $db $user $pass
Authenticate to the named database. MongoDB can be run without authentication.
- $mongo add_user $db $user $pass
Add a user and specify their password. Again the CLI may be better for this.
- $mongo drop_collection $db $collect
Drop a collection.
- $mongo drop_db $db
Drop a database.
- $mongo delete
Delete the mongo object. Can also be done by doing a
rename $mongo ""
- $mongo cursor name namespace
Createa a mongo cursor object named ''name'' that will access the requested namespace.
set cursor [$mongo cursor #auto daystream.controlstream]
- $cursor init $namespace
Initialize or reinitialize a cursor.
- $cursor next
Move the cursor to the next row. Returns true if there is a next row, false if the cursor is exhausted. You have to use ''next'' to get to the first row.
Any error condition (CURSOR_INVALID, CURSOR_PENDING, CURSOR_QUERY_FAIL, CURSOR_BSON_ERROR), it generates a Tcl error and sets the error code to a list consisting of MONGO and the aforementioned condition code.
- $cursor to_list
Return the bson object of the current row as a list of datatypes, keys and usually, values.
- $cursor to_array arrayName ?typeArrayName?
Set an array and possibly typeArray similarly to bson to_array.
- $cursor set_query $bson
Set a cursor's query with a configured bson object.
- $cursor set_skip skipCount
Set the cursor's skip count.
- $cursor set_limit $limit
Set a limit on the number of rows returned.
- $cursor set_options optionList
optonList contains a list zero or more elements:
** tailable
Cursor is tailable. This keeps the query open and returns new rows as they are added to the namespace.
** slave_ok
Queries are allowed on non-primary nodes. This probably means the data you get may be a little stale.
** no_timeout
Disable cursor timeouts.
** await_data
Momentarily block for more data.
** exhaust
Streem in multiple 'more' packages... (?)
** partial
Allow reads even if a shard is down.
- $cursor set_fields fieldList
Set what fields are to be returned. It's useful not to pull fields you don't need, obviously. fieldList is a list of field names with 1 or 0. 1 says to include the field, 0 says to exclude it. The fieldList is sticky for future queries. This may change. See for how the 1/0 thing works.
- $cursor delete
Delete the cursor object.
- $mongo search ?-namespace namespace? ?-fields fieldList? ?-array arrayName? ?-typearray typeArrayName? ?-list listVar? ?-offset offset? ?-limit limit? ?-comparebson bson? ?-sort fieldList? ?-code code?
Create a cursor against the specified namespace.
If -fields is present, fieldList is a list of fieldNames. Fields returned are restricted to the named fields. If a field name starts with a dash it indicates that that field is to be explicitly suppressed. "-_id" might be a fairly common usage if you don't need the oid.
If -array is present, arrayName is the name of an array set in the caller's context containing elements for the fields of each row returned.
If -typearray is present it's the name of an array set in the caller's context containing elements for the field names of each row returned with the values being the bson data type.
If -list is present, the name of a variable that will receive the bson list.
If -offset is present, the first offset rows of the result are skipped.
If -limit is present it specifies the maximum number of rows that can be returned.
If -comparebson is present it specifies a bson object that contains an encoded query to return only rows matching the query specification.
If -sort is present it contains a list of fields to sort by, from most significant to least significant. if the first character of the field name is a dash that indicates sorting in reverse order.
If -code is present, it specifies a code body that is executed for each row returned
- create a bson object and insert it into a MongoDB database
$bson init new_oid _id string "name" "Joe" int "age" 33 finish
$mongo insert "tutorial.persons" $bson
When you're done using the bson object, destroy it by doing a
$bson delete
or, if you prefer...
rename $bson ""
When you're done using the mongodb object, destroy it similarly.
- create an index on a MongoDB namespace
set keyBson [::mongo::bson create #auto]
$keyBson init int flight_id 1 finish
set resultBson [::mongo::bson create #auto]
$mongo create_index daystream.controlstream $keyBson $bsonResult
The bson result object can be examined for the status.
To build the same index in the background, append the '''background''' option to the command:
$mongo create_index daystream.controlstream $keyBson $bsonResult background
- Perform a complex query
bson create query
query init start_object \$query int age 24 finish_object start_object \$orderby int name 1 finish_object finish
$cursor init $namespace
$cursor set_query $query
while {[$cursor next]} {
unset -nocomplain row
$cursor to_array row
The code is currently early beta quality so there could be quite a few bugs including ones that trigger a coredump.
There are almost for sure some memory leaks so until those are all tracked down expect long-running jobs' memory footprint to grow and plan accordingly.
Update: We have now inserted hundreds of millions of rows without appreciable client memory footprint growth, so that process seems pretty solid.