Outdated: I didn't find enough time to update this repo - sorry
An Inofficial Sysmon Changelog
This changelog was composed with the help of the technet blog articles, the Internet wayback machine and Google.
Release date: 24.06.2020
Config schema version: 4.32
New Features:
- File Delete
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes bugs ???
Known Issues:
- None
... some missed versions
Release date: 06.09.2019
Config schema version: 4.22
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes bugs ???
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: ?
Config schema version: 4.21
- None
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes bugs ???
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 14.06.2019
Config schema version: 4.21
- None
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes bugs ???
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 12.06.2019
Config schema version: 4.21
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sysinternals/2019/06/12/sysmon-v10-0-autoruns-v13-95-vmmap-v3-26/
- https://twitter.com/holisticinfosec/status/1138676889227186176
New Features:
- DNS Query logging (Event ID 22)
- reports OriginalFileName in process create and load image events
- adds ImageName to named pipe events
- logs pico process creates and terminates
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes several bugs
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 11.06.2019
Config schema version: 4.21
New Features:
- DNS Query logging (Event ID 22)
- reports OriginalFileName in process create and load image events
- adds ImageName to named pipe events
- logs pico process creates and terminates
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes several bugs
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 18.03.2019
Config schema version: 4.2
- https://twitter.com/olafhartong/status/1110979769586327552
- https://twitter.com/analyze_v/status/1112809459213107200
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- Regression fix for exclusions due to the introduction of rule groups
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 18.02.2019
Config schema version: 4.2
- None
New Features:
- new "rule groups" that support AND or OR matching across rules
Fixed Bugs:
- None
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 18.12.2018
Config schema version: 4.1
- https://twitter.com/olafhartong/status/1070581799439474689
- https://twitter.com/analyze_v/status/1072923678873022464
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes an error with some configurations that caused severe blind spots
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 11.12.2018
Config schema version: 4.1
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes several filtering bugs
- resolves a handle leak and high CPU usage for certain filters when on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008
- fixes a bug that could cause the service process to crash
Known Issues:
- issue with some configurations that caused severe blind spots https://twitter.com/analyze_v/status/1072923678873022464
Release date: 06.07.2018
Config schema version: 4.1
Reference: https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/1015017015768113152
New Features:
- Rule tagging
Fixed Bugs:
- command-line truncation report
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 14.05.2018
Config schema version: 4.0
Reference: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sysinternals/2018/05/14/sysmon-v7-03/
New Features:
- does not hash files larger than 2GB to avoid causing performance issues with SQL Server's large alternate data streams it places on database files
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes a service executable crash that could result from long file names
- Process tracking callbacks
Known Issues:
- performance issues with SQL Server's large alternate data streams
Release date: 30.04.2018
Config schema version: 4.0
Reference: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sysinternals/2018/04/30/sysmon-v7-02/
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- Memory leaks
- Process tracking callbacks
Known Issues:
- performance issues with SQL Server's large alternate data streams
Release date: 30.04.2018
Config schema version: 4.0
Reference: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sysinternals/2018/04/30/sysmon-v7-02/
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- bug in v7.01 that could cause the sysmon config change event to be corrupt
- bug that prevented registry keys from being reported with abbreviated root key names (e.g. HKLM)
Known Issues:
- performance issues with SQL Server's large alternate data streams
Release date: 02.01.2018
Config schema version: 4.0
Reference: https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/948294964378660864
New Features:
- File version information
- Dump old configuration schema versions
Fixed Bugs:
- None
Known Issues:
- Some BSOD on Windows 7 x64 upgrades https://twitter.com/Tecko921/status/948588631144452097
- performance issues with SQL Server's large alternate data streams
Release date: 22.11.2017
Config schema version: 3.4
Reference: https://www.darkoperator.com/blog/2017/11/24/operational-look-at-sysinternals-sysmon-620-update
New Features:
- Enhancements in WMI Logging
- Ability to change driver name
- Ability to change service name and service executable name
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- None
Release date: 11.09.2017
Config schema version: 3.4
New Features:
- monitoring of WMI filters and consumers (ID 19, ID 20, ID 21)
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes a bug in image load filtering
Known Issues:
- Issue with Windows Server 2008 (affects all newer versions of Sysmon) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/28325d60-5647-48ec-977b-73608ff2a62a/sysmon-61?forum=windowsinternals
Release date: 17.06.2017
Config schema version: 3.3
Reference: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sysinternals/2017/06/17/sysinternals-update-sysmon-v6-03/
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- bug that prevented imageload include filters from working in some configurations
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 22.05.2017
Config schema version: 3.3
New Features:
- ?
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: ?
Config schema version: 3.3
Reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNetsec/comments/7u3koo/sysmon_blue_screen_of_death/
New Features:
- ?
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNetsec/comments/7u3koo/sysmon_blue_screen_of_death/
- Issue with Windows Server 2008 (affects all newer versions of Sysmon) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/28325d60-5647-48ec-977b-73608ff2a62a/sysmon-61?forum=windowsinternals
- https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/36adab01-b1dd-41ff-866f-b3e3b611d842/sysmon-v60-bugcheck?forum=miscutils
Release date: 17.02.2017
Config schema version: 3.3
New Features:
- Named pipe events (ID 17 "Pipe Created" and ID 18 "Pipe Connected")
- Configuration changes logged as separate event
- Dump Sysmons configuration scheme (-s)
- interprets and displays registry paths in their common format
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNetsec/comments/7u3koo/sysmon_blue_screen_of_death/
- Issue with Windows Server 2008 (affects all newer versions of Sysmon) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/28325d60-5647-48ec-977b-73608ff2a62a/sysmon-61?forum=windowsinternals
- https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/36adab01-b1dd-41ff-866f-b3e3b611d842/sysmon-v60-bugcheck?forum=miscutils
Release date: 18.11.2016 (?)
Config schema version: 3.2
Reference: https://twitter.com/danielhbohannon/status/799604709137010688
New Features:
- File creation events (ID 11)
- Registry add/delete/rename/value set events (ID 12)
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- https://twitter.com/felixw3000/status/800030486189871104
- https://twitter.com/PhantomofMobile/status/801132296409448448
Release date: 29.08.2016
Config schema version: 3.1
New Features:
- reports the status of CRL checking
- fixes a bug where certain configuration files could cause the driver to blue screen
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 28.04.2016
Config schema version: 3.0
Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20160315070513/https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dn798348
New Features:
- more powerful filtering capabilities, allowing for both include and exclude rules to be specified for specific events types
- complex matching on different event fields
Fixed Bugs:
- None
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 04.02.2015
Config schema version: 2.0
Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20160315070513/https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dn798348
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes a paged pool leak of token objects when image logging is enabled
Known Issues:
- ?
- Last version with support of Windows 2008 or Windows Server 2003
Release date: 04.01.2016
Config schema version: 2.0
New Features:
- option of logging raw disk and volume accesses
Fixed Bugs:
- ?
Known Issues:
- ?
- Last version to officially support Windows 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2003
Release date: 26.10.2015
Config schema version: 2.0
New Features:
- None
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes a memory leak for DLL image load event monitoring
- removes a misleading warning when processing configuration files
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 20.06.2015
Config schema version: 2.0
New Features:
- adds information about the thread initialization function for CreateRemoteThread events, including the DLL and function name and address
- changes the format of timestamps to allow for simple string sorting
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes several bugs
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 20.04.2015
Config schema version: 2.0
New Features:
- adds the process name to process terminate events
- reports remote thread creation events (ID 8)
- improves the simplicity and flexibility of filter settings
Fixed Bugs:
- None
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 19.01.2015
New Features:
- includes driver load and image load events with signature information
- adds imphash calculation https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html
- configurable hashing algorithm reporting
- flexible filters for including and excluding events
- support for supplying configuration via a configuration file (XML) instead of the command line
Fixed Bugs:
- None
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 18.08.2014
New Features:
- includes unique UDP connections within 15-minute intervals
Fixed Bugs:
- fixes the manifest registration so that Sysmon event logs can be interpreted without installing Sysmon
Known Issues:
- ?
Release date: 08.08.2014