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Video Extension for NetLogo - view video files, capture webcams


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NetLogo Vid Extension


Build with sbt package. sbt test runs tests.

Camera Capture Hardware Libraries

THe Vid extension has some confusing dependency issues that require a little more elaboration due to the fact that it needs to access hardware through some kind of Java interop layer.

  1. Why are we using both OpenImaj and JavaCV? Don't they both do camera capture?

Both libraries do camera capture, it's true. The issue is that JavaCV depends on OpenCV for its functionality, and OpenCV doesn't provide camera discovery on all platforms (Windows only). OpenImaj does support camera discovery on all platforms we care about, but it has lots of trouble running successfully on macOS. The latest version of OpenImaj I tested crashed randomly but regularly in normal usage of the camera capture functionality. However the OpenImaj camera discovery feature works just fine, no crashes. Hence we use both. If ever OpenImaj improves its macOS support or if JavaCV supports camera discovery, we could eliminate one or the other.

  1. What is that sbt-javacpp sbt plugin stuff? Why is the javacv dep listed as "org.bytedeco" % "javacv" % "1.5.7" when the JavaCV project docs say to use javacv-platform like "org.bytedeco" % "javacv-platform" % "1.5.7"?

Sigh. JavaCV uses a custom interop layer to get native hardware libraries loaded and usable in Java code. That library is JavaCPP. The way JavaCPP includes the native libraries (dll, so, or dylib) through Java app jars is with the idea of "platforms" for each library that has native dependencies. So the opencv library has a corresponding opencv-platform library which depends on opencv as well as on all the platform-specific jars. The "platform" library doesn't really have any code of its own.

So the problem is that JavaCPP and JavaCV build for many platforms, including iOS and Android, across many different architectures. We only need macOS, Linux 32/64, and Windows 32/64. The native library bundles are big, 20 megs each. The full "naive" install of all the native libraries, most of which we don't need, is almost 1 gigabyte. The JavaCPP devs recognize this problem, and provide the sbt-javacpp sbt plugin to manage the specific architectures used by a project. Those settings are in the build.sbt like so:

javaCppVersion    :=  "1.5.7"
javaCppPresetLibs ++= Seq("opencv" -> "4.5.5", "openblas" -> "0.3.19")
javaCppPlatform   :=  Seq("windows-x86_64", "windows-x86", "macosx-arm64", "macosx-x86_64", "linux-x86", "linux-x86_64")

Note that we don't actually 100% need the plugin to do this. We could do something like:

, "org.bytedeco" % "javacv-platform" % "1.5.7"
  // other exclusions clipped...
  exclude("org.bytedeco", "opencv-platform")
  exclude("org.bytedeco", "javacpp-platform")
  exclude("org.bytedeco", "ffmpeg-platform")
// now include the specific packages we need for each platform
, "org.bytedeco" % "opencv" % "4.5.5-1.5.7" classifier "windows-x86_64"
, "org.bytedeco" % "javacpp" % "4.5.5-1.5.7" classifier "windows-x86_64"
, "org.bytedeco" % "openblas" % "0.3.19-1.5.7" classifier "windows-x86_64"

But we'd have to write code to enumerate all the projects and architecture combinations, and keep them all up to date as things change. So why bother if we already have an sbt plugin that will do it for us? (The secret answer is because that sbt plugin might break in the future and we might not want to deal with updating it.)

  1. Why all those excluded deps for OpenImaj?

OpenImaj is a general purpose image processing library, it does much more than video capture. To that end it includes loads of libraries for purposes not related to what we use it for, enumerating video devices. There might, indeed, be more we could weed out of this list, but it's a tedious process to do so.


Video Source

The vid extension has a built-in concept of a video source. At the moment, the only video sources available are movies in the directory the model lives in and cameras attached to the computer. The vid extension opens a new video source with the vid:<source>-open and vid:<source>-select. These primitives change the source to the selected source. If a source is already open, it closes it before opening a new one.

Source Lifecycle

Movie sources are "stopped" after being created by vid:movie-select or vid:movie-open. Camera sources start off as "playing" after being created by vid:camera-select or vid:camera-open. If a source is in status "stopped" it can be started with vid:start. Conversely, if the source is "playing" it can be stopped with vid:stop. When a source is "stopped", each call to vid:capture-image will return the same image.

Video Recorder

The vid extension also has the concept of a recording, a series of frames which can be sewn into an "mp4" movie. The recorder status can be queried using vid:recorder-status. The recorder status is "inactive" until started with vid:start-recorder, which sets it to "recording". While the recorder is "recording" the vid:record-view, vid:record-interface, and vid:record-source can be used to save frames to the recording. You can choose to save the recording while recording using vid:save-recording which saves the movie to the specified file and reset the recording status to "inactive". If you would prefer to throw away the recorded frames without saving, use vid:reset-recorder.

Known Issues

When running the extension on macOS and using vid:camera-open or vid:camera-select and then starting a different program (like Zoom) and using the same camera will crash NetLogo. If you start the other program first and then start NetLogo things should work better.


vid:camera-names vid:camera-open vid:camera-select vid:movie-select vid:movie-open vid:movie-open-remote vid:close vid:start vid:stop vid:status vid:capture-image vid:set-time vid:show-player vid:hide-player vid:record-view vid:record-interface vid:record-source vid:recorder-status vid:reset-recorder vid:start-recorder vid:save-recording


Provides a list of all available cameras.


vid:camera-names => []
vid:camera-names => ["Mac Camera"]
vid:camera-names => ["Logitech Camera"]


Opens the named camera as a video source. If no name is provided, opens the first camera that would be listed by camera-names.


vid:camera-open ; opens first camera
(vid:camera-open "Logitech Camera")


  • Message "vid: no cameras found": no cameras are available.
  • Message "vid: camera "\<name\>" not found": if the named camera is not available.


Prompts the user to select a camera as video source. This command does not error if the user cancels. Use vid:status to see if a user selected a camera.




  • Message "vid: no cameras found": no cameras are available.


Prompts the user to select a movie to use as a video source. The formats supported are those supported by JavaFX2. This command does not error if the user cancels. Use vid:status to see if the user selected a movie.




  • Message "vid: format not supported": the user selected a movie with an unsupported format.


Opens a video from the file system. If the provided path is not absolute the extension searches for the given path relative to the current model directory. If the provided path is absolute the extension opens the file.


vid:movie-open "foo.mp4"      ; Opens foo.mp4 in the directory containing the model
vid:movie-open user-file      ; Opens a dialog for the user to select a movie
vid:movie-open "/tmp/foo.mp4" ; Opens a movie from the "/tmp" directory


  • Message "vid: no movie found": the movie could not be found.
  • Message "vid: format not supported": the user selected a movie with an unsupported format.


Opens a remote video from a website or ftp server.


vid:movie-open-remote ""


  • Message "vid: no movie found": The specified URL could not be loaded or errored while loading.
  • Message "vid: format not supported": The file type of the remote movie is not supported.
  • Message "vid: protocol not supported": The movie was at an unsupported URL protocol. Supported protocols are ftp and http.


Closes the currently selected video source. Has no effect if there is no active video source.




Starts the selected video source. A video source must have been selected before calling vid:start.




  • Message "vid: no selected source": There is no currently selected video source. Select a source with vid:movie-open, vid:movie-select, vid:camera-open, or vid:camera-select.


Stops the currently running video source.




Reports the current status of an active video. Note that after calling vid:movie-open or vid:movie-select the status will be set to "stopped", while after calling vid:camera-open or vid:camera-select the status will be "playing".


vid:status     ; => "inactive"

vid:movie-open "foobar.mp4"
vid:status      ; => "stopped"

vid:status       ; => "playing"


Captures an image from the currently selected active source.

If width and height are not specified, the image is captured at the current source resolution.


extensions [ vid bitmap ]

to capture
  ; capture an image if a video source is open,
  ; have the user select a camera if no video source found
  carefully [
    ; when camera open, take an image
    let image vid:capture-image ; returns image suitable for use with bitmap extension
    bitmap:copy-to-drawing image 0 0
  ] [
    if error-message = "Extension exception: vid: no selected source" [
      let image vid:capture-image
      bitmap:copy-to-drawing image 0 0

If you want to capture images at a different resolution, simply replace vid:capture-image with, e.g., (vid:capture-image 640 480).


  • Message "vid: no selected source": There is no currently selected video source. Select a source with vid:movie-open, vid:movie-select, vid:camera-open, or vid:camera-select.
  • Message "vid: invalid dimensions": The selected dimensions are invalid (one of the dimensions is zero or negative).


Sets the time of the current video source to *seconds*. This has no effect when the current video source is a camera.


vid:set-time 100


  • Message "vid: no selected source": There is no currently selected video source. Select a source with vid:movie-open, vid:movie-select, vid:camera-open, or vid:camera-select.
  • Message "vid: invalid time": The currently active video does not contain the specified second. The second may be negative, or greater than the length of the video.


Shows a player in a separate window. If there is no video source, the window will be an empty black frame. If there is an active video source, it will be displayed in the window with the specified width and height. If there is a playing video source, it will be displayed in the window at its specified width and height. If width and height are omitted, the video will be displayed in its native resolution.

Example with native resolution:


Example with custom resolution:

(vid:show-player 640 480)


  • Message "vid: invalid dimensions": The selected dimensions are invalid (one of the dimensions is zero or negative).


Hides the player if open. Does nothing if there is no player window.




Records the current image shown in the NetLogo view to the active recording.




  • Message "vid: recorder not started": The recorder has not been started. Start the recorder with vid:start-recorder.


Records the NetLogo interface view to the active recording.




  • Message "vid: recorder not started": The recorder has not been started. Start the recorder with vid:start-recorder.
  • Message "vid: export interface not supported": The calling NetLogo version does not support interface exports. This will occur when running NetLogo headlessly.


Records a frame to the active recording from the currently active source.




  • Message "vid: recorder not started": The recorder has not been started. Start the recorder with vid:start-recorder.
  • Message "vid: no selected source": There is no currently selected video source. Select a source with vid:movie-open, vid:movie-select, vid:camera-open, or vid:camera-select.


Reports the current status of the recorder. Initially and after the recorder is saved (via vid:save-recording) or reset (via vid:reset-recorder) the recorder status is "inactive". After calling vid:start-recorder the status will be "recording".


vid:recorder-status ; => "inactive"

vid:recorder-status ; => "recording"

vid:recorder-status ; => "inactive"


Stops the current recording, discards any recorded frames without saving them, and forgets the currently set recording resolution.


Starts the recorder. If the recorder is already running this will cause an error to be raised. If desired, a recording width and height can be supplied. If width and height are not supplied, they will be determined from the first frame recorded.


(vid:start-recorder 640 480)


  • Message "vid: recorder already started": The recorder has already been started. The existing recording should be saved or reset before starting the recording.
  • Message "vid: invalid dimensions": The selected dimensions are invalid (one of the dimensions is zero or negative).


Saves the recording to the specified path. If the recorder is not running this will cause an error to be raised. Note that at present the recording will always be saved in the "mp4" format. If the supplied filename does not end in ".mp4", the ".mp4" suffix will be added. Note that vid:save-recording will overwrite existing files of the same name. vid:save-recording will error if the recorder has not been started or if the file cannot be written since the containing directory does not exist.


vid:save-recording "foo.mp4"      ; Saves to foo.mp4 in the directory containing the model
vid:save-recording user-new-file  ; Opens a dialog for the user to select a save path
vid:save-recording "/tmp/foo.mp4" ; Saves the recording to the "/tmp" directory


  • Message "vid: recorder not started": The recorder has not been started. Start the recorder with vid:start-recorder.
  • Message "vid: no such directory": The directory containing the specified save file does not exist.
  • Message "vid: no frames recorded": You tried to save a recording with no frames recorded. Check that you are recording properly or use vid:reset-recording to to change the recording format without saving.

Terms of Use


The NetLogo Vid Extension is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Uri Wilensky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights.


Video Extension for NetLogo - view video files, capture webcams







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