Small webapp to browse the Tate Modern Gallery Collection.
Data is available at: in csv format.
Being built with Elixir, Dynamo, Postgresql and Redis.
Assuming all dependencies are met:
cp .envrc.sample .envrc
Customize .envrc
with your database connection data.
source .envrc
mix deps.get
make dev_setup
mix server
Alternatively, your env can be better managed with Direnv.
make test_setup
MIX_ENV=test mix test
Place csv files in data/
and rename them artist_data.csv
and artwork_data.csv
The original dataset is in UTF-8 with DOS line endings and some unicode issues, so you need to convert it.
brew install dos2unix
dos2unix -n artist_data_original.csv artist_data_unix.csv
cat artist_data_unix.csv | sed 's/–/-/' > artist_data.csv
dos2unix -n artwork_data_original.csv artwork_data_unix.csv
cat artwork_data_unix.csv | sed 's/–/-/' > artwork_data.csv