Node.js overview JavaScript references Understanding ECMAScript 6 Exploring ES6 Exploring ES2016 and ES2017 Exploring ES2018 and ES2019 Functional JavaScript Node.js documentation and good references Node.js documentation API Node.js Design Pattern Node.js 8 the Right Way Node Cookbook - Third Edition The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded Server Scaling in Node.js Speed, Speed, Speed: JavaScript vs C++ vs WebAssembly Express.js Express documentation Express Wiki Fastify Fastify documentation Hapi Hapi documentation Native Addons C++ Addons C++ Addons - N-API N-API the next API for Native Addons N-API: The Next Generation Node.js API is Ready New Features Bring Native Add-ons Close To Being On Par With JS Modules Workshop materials Slides How to solve CORS problem How to use passport for local login How to use Winston How to use Socket.IO Express web application Native addon examples Stream examples Official addon examples Tutorials: Starting a new add-on module from scratch Starting a new add-on module from scratch with ObjectWrap Migrating an existing NAN module Async Worker Node pre-gyp The Team Nicola Del Gobbo Acknowledgements Thank you to all people that encourage me every day. License Licensed under Apache license V2