Analysis of Blockchain related Stuff
Added a PR with some fixes and new resources in the Blockchain Core - Section
- Added PR implementing in Haskell the Binary Searach with Recursion and Maybe Monad on a List of Generic Type
- Added a PR implementing in Haskell a Function providing Factors Decomposition for a given number so for example
30 -> [2,3,5]
60 -> [2,2,3,5]
- Added a PR related to the implementation of a Haskell equivalent to PHP Explode which splits a string into a list of substrings according to a given separator char
- Added a PR with a set of solved Haskell challenges
- Even if they are not directly related to Blockchain, they are good exercises to achieve, in perspective, enough knowledge to be applied to Blockchain Application building
- Added Solidity Events and Remix
- Useful for Smart Contract Runtime Debug
Added Interesting News Section focused on collecting, summarizing and commenting relevant news related to the Blockchain Ecosystem
- Updated dapps with Dapps Economy Summary