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Explaining microbial scaling laws using Bayesian inference

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Explaining microbial scaling laws using Bayesian inference

In this project, we want to combine methods from Statistical Physics and Bayesian Data Analysis to elucidate the principles behind cellular growth and division. We will study various classes of individual-based growth-division models and infer individal-level processes (model structures and likely ranges of associated parameters) from sigle-cell observations. In the Bayesian framework, we formalize our process understanding the form of different rate functions, expressing the dependence of growth and division rates on variables characterizing a cell’s state (such as size and protein content), and calculate the Bayesian posteriors for the parameters of these functions.


Organization of the repository

The notebook Microbial_Scaling_Laws.ipynb is the root file of the repository and includes:

  • the theoretical results, both general and specific of the single models;
  • the explanation of the methods used and the description of the workflow followed;
  • the import and the 3-dimensional plot of the data used in the analysis;
  • the hyperlinks to the notebooks of the individual models;
  • the general results of all models.

The repository is then divided into 5 folders:

  1. analysis_real_data
  2. analysis_sim_data
  3. data
  4. images
  5. real_data_alternative_way, where we use the means and stds as parameters for the Gamma and Beta distributions instead of a,b,c,d

In the folder analysis_real_data it is possible to find a Python package, containing the functions used in the analysis of real data: Fernando_package.


Growth and division processes: general model

In our models we consider the evolution of a single non-interacting cell, which undergoes 2 processes:

  • growth: the cell size $x(t)$ evolves according to the following equation

$$ \dot{x}=g(x(t)) \quad , \quad x(0)=x_b $$

In some cases this relation can be expressed in vectorial form, where $\underline{x}$ is the vector of the traits characterizing the cell's state (see model 2).

  • division: it is ruled by the hazard rate function $h(x(t))$, which represents the istantaneous probability of the cell to divide. This function is related to the so called survival function $s(t)$, by the relation

$$ \frac{\dot{s}(t)}{s(t)}=-h(t) \quad , \quad s(0)=1 $$

where $s(t)$ gives the probability that the cell will survive (meaning not divide in this case) past a certain time $t$.

While the growth is a deterministic process, division is a stochastic event. Since division does not always divide the cell into two equal parts, we introduce a parameter $frac$, which is treated as a stpchastic variable, such that after the division

$$ \underline{x}_{div} = \left(frac\cdot x, (1-frac)x\right)) $$

Finally, we assume that the division ratios $frac$ are distributed according to a Beta function and that the growth rates $\omega_1$ follow a Gamma function, hence denoting by $f$ the probability density distribution we obtain

$$ \begin{align} f(frac|a, b) &= Beta(a, b) \\ f(\omega_1|c, d) &= Gamma(c, d) \end{align} $$

Model 0 ("Starting model")

Notebook: Model 0

We start with a very simple stochastic model, biologically not very realistic, but useful to start familiarizing with the problem. In this first model we define $g(x)$ and $h(x)$ as 2 linear functions

$$ \begin{align} g(x) &\equiv \omega_1(\mu+x) \\ h(x) &\equiv \omega_2(1+x/\nu) \end{align} $$

where $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ are frequencies, while $\mu$ and $\nu$ are sizes (tipycally measured in $\mu m$). The ratio between $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ is the order parameter that triggers the phase transition. The parameters $\mu$ and $\nu$ are necessary to cut off the probability distribution (in zero and for large values of $x$), which is important both for physical reasons and for making the distribution normalizable. Introducing these parameters is a mathematical trick, useful for example to prevent the cell from having a too small size, which however is difficult to justify from a biological point of view. We will then see better models, biologically speaking.

Model 1

Notebook: Model 1

As in the previous model, even in this case the cell growth is governed by a single trait, which is the size. However, this model is biologically more realistic, mainly because a lower bound is placed on the size of the cell such that it can divide.

Also in this case the processes considered are growth and division, governed by $g(x)$ and $h(x)$ respectively. In this model we define $g(x)$ and $h(x)$ as follows

$$ \begin{align} g(x)&= \omega_1 \cdot x \\ h(x)&= \begin{cases} 0 & , x<\mu \\ \omega_2 \cdot \frac{x+v}{u+v} & , x\geq \mu \end{cases} \end{align} $$

where $g(x)$ again corresponds to an exponential growth, while $h(x)$ is lower bounded by $u$.

Model 2

Notebook: Model 2

The main difference between this model and the previous ones is that here we consider 2 traits: the cell size $m(t)$ and its protein content $p(t)$. We call $\underline{x}$ the vector

$$ \underline{x} = \binom{m}{p} $$

As before, the traits evolution and the cell division are governed by $g(\underline{x})$ and $h(p)$ respectively, which are defined as

$$ \begin{align} g(\underline{x})&=\omega_1 \cdot m\cdot \binom{1}{c} \\ h(p)&= \begin{cases} 0 & , p<\mu \\ \omega_2 \cdot \frac{p+v}{u+v} & , p\geq \mu \end{cases} \end{align} $$

From $g(\underline{x})$ we can notice that the cell size still grows exponentially and the protein content also follows this evolution, scaled by the factor $c$. As $c$ doesn't have a real meaning, we set it to $1$.

Moreover, in this model the condition under which the cell can divide is that it contains a minimum amount of a specific type of protein, which we call $u$. If $p\geq u$ the cell can divide, otherwise it cannot. Unlike model 1, we do not have any condition on the size of the cell for the division to take place and $h$ depens only on $p$.

The initial conditions for $m(t)$ and $p(t)$ are

$$ \begin{align} p(t=0) &= 0 \\ m(t=0) &= m_b \end{align} $$

and the division process occurs in the following way

$$ \binom{m}{p} \rightarrow \binom{frac\cdot m}{0} + \binom{(1-frac)\cdot m}{0}$$

where $frac$ is the division ratio.

Bayesian Data Analysis

For all models, the set of parameters to be inferred is

$$ \underline{\theta} = { \mu, \nu, \omega_2, a, b, c, d } $$

Applying the Bayes theorem, we can write

$$ f(\underline{\theta}|\tau, \omega_1, frac, M) \propto f(\tau, \omega_1, frac|\underline{\theta}, M)\cdot f(\underline{\theta}, M) $$

where $M$ is the background information given by the selected model and $\tau$, $\omega_1$ and $frac$ are provided by the data.

Regarding the likelihood, $f(\tau, \omega_1, frac|\underline{\theta})$, applying the chain rule and exploiting the fact that $frac$ and $\omega_1$ are independent, it can be written as the product of the conditional probability density function of each random variable of interest

$$ \begin{align} f(\tau, \omega_1, frac|\underline{\theta}) &= f(\tau|\omega_1, frac, \underline{\theta}) \cdot f(\omega_1, frac|\underline{\theta}) \\ &=f(\tau|\omega_1, frac, \underline{\theta}) \cdot f(\omega_1|\underline{\theta}) \cdot f(frac|\underline{\theta}) \end{align} $$

where the last 2 are respectively the $Gamma(c, d)$ and $Beta(a, b)$ distributions, while the former is the probability density function of division times, which depends on the selected model and it is the derivative of the survival function $s(t)$.


  • Calibration:
    Performing Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), via the Python implementation emcee, we find the posterior distribution of $\theta$ and the marginalized posterior of each parameter, of which we calculate the maximum, the median and the 95% credibility interval. Then, we use this results to generate a simulated time series, that can be compared with the real data, to find which model is statistically better.
  • Validation:
    Model validation and comparison is achieved by
    • making a boxplot of the simulated and real interdivision times
    • computing the overlap of the histograms of the interdivision times
    • calculating the predictive density


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[3] emcee documentation: