This is a basic project built with Django to manage a movie database. It allows you to create, search, and list movies. The project uses Bootstrap for the visual interface and is ready to run in a local environment.
Before starting, make sure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.x
- pip (gestor de paquetes de Python)
- Django (se instalará automáticamente)
It is recommended to work in a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other dependencies.
On Windows:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/Scripts/activate
Install all the necessary dependencies to run the application:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Django needs to create the necessary tables in the database. Run the following commands:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Start the Django development server:
python runserver
- The main page welcomes the user with a site summary and navigation options.
Add Movie
- Allows registered users to add new movies to the database.
- Includes fields such as title, genre, year, description, release date, and a movie image.
Search Movies
- Provides an option for users to filter movies by title, genre, or year.
- Displays a dynamic list of available movies matching the filters.
Movie Details
- Displays complete information about a selected movie, including its description and an image (if available).
- Users can access edit or delete options for movies.
User Login / Registration
- Allows users to register and log in.
- Authentication is required for specific actions like creating, editing, or deleting movies and accessing user messaging.
Profile and Avatar Management
- Users can edit their profile, updating information such as first name, last name, and email address.
- Avatar management: each user can upload a custom profile image and change it at any time.
- Option to delete the avatar if the user wants to reset it.
User Messaging
- An internal messaging system allows users to send messages to each other.
- Visual notifications: an envelope icon in the navigation bar provides access to received and sent messages..
- Messages are displayed in a list with the option to delete individual messages.
- Validation: only authenticated users can send and receive messages.
About Me Page
- A static section providing information about the project and the development team, or it can be used to display general site information.