[At the Bukkit forums, of course!][plugin]
The original generator from codename_B made something that looks like this:
This is an extension of codename_B's generator that makes things like pools and ruins (and more!) appear in the rather empty rooms made by the original project.
- com.ubempire.dungeon.DungeonPlugin allows this to be used as a plugin that generates a world named "dungeon", or to create additional worlds by the method in codename_B's tutorial.
- com.ubempire.dungeon.DungeonGenerator is the heart of the generator. It contains a list of populators in the order they should be run, in addition to making the walls and floor.
- com.ubempire.dungeon.DungeonPopulator is the first populator run after the generator. It prevents dungeon rooms from having no neighbors.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.PoolPopulator runs next, making pools of water or lava (but not close to the spawn) in about 20% of chunks.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.ExplosionPopulator runs after PoolPopulator, making the map look more ancient by making small (half of TNT's power, 37.5%), medium (TNT's power, 12.5%), or large (9-19 activated TNT spawned in the middle of the room, 0.25%) explosions.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.RuinsPopulator is the next to run after ExplosionPopulator, and the first populator I programmed. It generates ruins by picking a location and a height, then moving in one or two directions while reducing the height. The end result is something that looks like a crumbling wall.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.LanternPopulator who wouldn't want Jack-O-Lanterns in the walls of their dungeon?
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.ChestPopulator adds an incentive for exploring dungeons - chests that occur in about 1 out of 10 rooms, filled with all kinds of helpful exploration items.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.WebPopulator adds some abandoned spider webs to the dungeon for extra ambiance.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.TorchPopulator adds up to 3 torches in a chunk at random locations where air touches a surface.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.MossPopulator randomly replaces cobblestone with its mossy counterpart.
- net.llamaslayers.minecraft.banana.populators.CeilingPopulator runs last. It generates a ceiling at the top of the dungeon with holes generated by simplex noise.
If you know Java and are comfortable working with Bukkit's BlockPopulator class, fork this repository, add your changes, and submit a pull request.
If you don't know Java or you don't want to code something, but you have an idea, post it at the [forum topic][topic] so someone can implement your idea.
If your idea or code is in this project and your name is not in plugin.yml, make a comment somewhere so we can fix that.
[topic]: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/basic-maze-generation-using-chunkgenerator-and-blockpopulator.25932/ "[BASIC] "Maze" generation using ChunkGenerator and BlockPopulator" [plugin]: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/gen-bananamaze-an-infinite-dungeon-maze-to-explore.26113/ "[GEN] BananaMaze - An infinite dungeon maze to explore (Bukkit plugin)"