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  • Make the rendering of code blocks much prettier as well as responsive, it's pretty ugly right now


Download the Hugo extended binary from the Hugo release page.

Latest working version is: Hugo extended v0.118.2

Basic tasks

To run a local, live-reloading version of the site

$ hugo server --buildDrafts --config config.toml,debug-config.toml

Posts are best set up if we use leaf page bundles, with images alongside markdown. To create a new post of this type:

# Create a directory
$ mkdir content/posts/<post-name>
# Create the post page
$ hugo new posts/<post-name>/

To render the site to the docs directory for publishing, run

hugo --minify


Build the site to the /docs directory with hugo.

GitHub is configured to serve this as a page out of the /docs directory on the master. Pushing to master will update the live site.

This page is proxied through Cloudflare. Cloudflare also has configurations to rewrite URLs to just was the old domain of this blog, and I didn't want to break any existing links.

Writing posts

Post preview images

Use the image field in the frontmatter to add a preview image. Image paths are relative to the markdown file.

Post summaries

Post summaries will use the first N words of the post, unless you make it otherwise.

If you want the summary to be the start of the article, you can control the truncation by placing a <!--more--> tag in the article.

Use the summary field in the frontmatter to set the summary to something other than the start of the article.

Images within posts

Use the figure shortcode. This will automatically resize images to a few sizes, and serve them up depending on the size of the image. It also adds a lightbox triggered by tapping on the image that zooms the image to full size.


{{< figure src="<relative-path-to-image>" caption="Some image caption" alt="Alt text" >}}


There are three shortcodes that can be used to format a post as a recipe. They are intended to be used in a nested fashion.


{{< recipe name="Name of the recip" total-time="Total recipe time" active-time="Active recipe time" yield="(optional) yield of recipe" credit="(optional) credit for recipe" hr-after="(optional) false">}}
  {{% ingredients %}} // Note the {{% %}} delimiters to ensure that the content is rendered as markdown
  * First ingredient
  * Second ingredient
  {{% /ingredients %}}
  {{% method %}} // Also using {{% %}} delimiters here for markdown
  Method here
  {{% /method %}}
{{< /recipe >}

Code blocks

Code highlighting is enabled on code fences. We currently use a stylesheet embedded into the theme for our highlighting, see the stylesheet in question for details.

Linking to external blog posts

Some of my posts (arguably, some of my best) are on the SEEK Medium blog. To facilitate this, adding

isExternal: true
externalLink: <link to external content>

to the frontmatter will generate something that looks like a regular post, but actually links to an external source that opens in a new tab.

It supports all of the same frontmatter stuff as usual, and will automatically append a (external link, opens in a new tab) to the post description.



This repo uses the Tailwind CLI as part of theme generation. You can install this as a standalone binary.

curl -sLO
chmod +x tailwindcss-macos-arm64
mv tailwindcss-macos-arm64 tailwindcss

Adjust the OS and arch above as appropriate.

Making changes to the theme

Updates should be made to the Hugo templates under the themes/skouf/layouts directory, or to static images under the themes/skouf/static/image directory.

Once changes have been made, you can regenerate the TailwindCSS stylesheet with:

./tailwindcss --config themes/skouf/tailwind.config.js --input themes/skouf/src/input.css --output themes/skouf/assets/css/style.css --minify