Wolke Simulator is a project made by three students over the course of three months for their final year project. The simulator is simulating fluid flow using an Eulerian grid. The project was entirely made in Java ☕.
- 2D fluid simulation 🌊
- Simulation settings ⚙️
- 2D drawing of obstacles 🖌️
- Image import for obstacles (png, svg) 🖼️
- Scene import and export 💾
- Themes 🎨
- Language selection 🌍
- Zen mode 🧘
- And more...
The project is a maven java project. You therefore need to have maven and java installed on your machine if you want to run your own version of the project. You can also download the binaries from the release page to only install the application.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Nilon123456789/Wolke-simulator.git cd Wolke-simulator
Install Maven and Java 17+ on your system (if not already installed):
The project is using maven and java 17. You can run the project with the following command:
mvn compile exec:java -D"exec.mainClass=com.e24.wolke.application.AppPrincipale24"
To create the jar, executable binaries, and the installer, you can use the following command:
mvn clean compile package
Nota : The installer is created with the jpackage tool. You need to have the JDK 17 installed on your machine. Also, the binary is created for the current OS. If you want to create a binary for another OS, you need to run the command on that OS.
We are using different pipelines to ensure the code quality and the project stability.
The project uses pre-commit hooks to ensure the code quality. You can install the hooks with the following command:
Windows and Linux
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
# Test the hooks
pre-commit run --all-files
brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install
# Test the hooks
pre-commit run --all-files