This repo contains the solution to Assignment 2. The contents are as follows -
- Demonstration_Assign2.mp4
- data
- Assign2Documentation.pdf
- LatexFiles
No specific hardware requirements (run on MacBook Pro Quad Core i5, 8GB LPDDR3, Integrated Intel Graphics)
OS: macOS Catalina (v10.15.7); Python: v3.7.4; PyBullet: v3.0.4; Libraries used: time, math, pybullet, pybullet_data, scipy, scikit-learn
How to run?
- Clone this repo (or if you download, make sure to place data and in the same folder)
- Run and enjoy the kuka robot write the word 'GROWL'
The STDOUT console will print the model metrics and the output of the velocityInRange() function while the simulation is running.
The file Demonstration_Assign2.mp4 is a video demonstration of the code, for your reference. Please refer to Assign2Documentation.pdf for a detailed analysis of the assignment. All the codes and files used to generate the documentation has been uploaded to the LatexFiles folder