Odin ECS was built because I needed a way to dynamically add functionality to things in my game. I also just find entity component systems fun to work with and I couldn't find a general purpose one for Odin , so I made it myself.
- Any type can be a Component
- Unlimited* Amount of Component Types
Example Usage:
package main
import ecs "odin-ecs"
import "core:fmt"
// Context: Internal state that the ECS needs to manipulate.
ctx: ecs.Context
// You can add any type as a Component!
Name :: distinct string
main :: proc() {
ctx = ecs.init_ecs()
defer ecs.deinit_ecs(&ctx)
player := ecs.create_entity(&ctx)
// (Optional) Or you can let ecs.deinit_ecs()... clean this up.
defer ecs.destroy_entity(&ctx, player)
name_component, err := ecs.add_component(&ctx, player, Name("Yuki"))
fmt.println(name_component^) // "Yuki"
remove_err := ecs.remove_component(&ctx, player, Name)
//(Optional) Or you can let ecs.destroy_entity()... clean this up.