an implementation of C++ type_traits for learning purposes .... Please note that it is not standard.
Kindly visit for the standardized version
janor type_traits
is a header only file which helps you detect the type of objects
include the header file janor/type_traits.hpp
in your project.
all the type check structs are under the namespace janor
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <janor/type_traits.hpp>
void foo(){ }
std::vector<int> bar()
return std::vector<int>{1,2,3,4,5};
int main()
int number = 99;
std::cout<<(janor::is_void<decltype(foo())>::value ? "True":"False")<<'\n'; // true
std::cout<<(janor::is_vector<decltype(bar())>::value ? "True" : "False")<<'\n'; //true
std::cout<<(janor::is_rvalue_reference<decltype(std::move(number))>::value ? "True" : "False")<<'\n'; //true
std::cout<<(janor::is_rvalue_reference<decltype(static_cast<int&&>(999))>::value ? "True" : "False")<<'\n'; //true
All tests are found in the Tests directory.
Tests were written using Gtest
Note that you can change the Variables in the Tests Makefile to the path of your Gtest
includes and src