- This project exploits the power of data analysis and machine learning to take business to the next level!
- It's one of the competiting projects in Data Science - Challenge Round 2 Hosted by Dr. Doaa Mahmoud.
- The project consist of 3 sections
- EDA and Interactive Dashboard by Power BI
- Predictive Analysis Model
- Association Rules
- Project Presentation Link
- General Analysis.
- Analyzing Behavour of users: users who always order same products.
- How Time affects the purchasing behaviour of customers?
- Analyzing products
- Analyzing Organic Prodcuts.
- Purchasing behaviour on Departments and Aisles.
A predictive analysis model , that predicts the products ordered in users' future order based on each purchasing history. Primary Key is the user-product pair to predict whether will be in the future order or not.
XGBoost Classifier was used.
Features with highest importance used by the model:
- up_orders_since_last_order: measures how long the user hasn't considered buying a specific product.
- up_order_rate_since_first_time: measures the degree a user like a product. It's the ratio by which a user will buy a product from the first moment he/she knew about it.
- prod_reorder_ratio: measures how customers in general like a product.
- user_reorder_ratio: measures how this user is likely to buy something new!
We have used the Apriori algorithm to extract assciation rules embedded in instacart's data. The following functions are implemented to later serve as an API calls in the deployed version:
Function | Documentation |
most_10_frequent_items | Takes the cardinality of the itemset and return the most 10 frequent item-sets of that cardinality. |
all_items_with_at_least_support_and_len | Returns the itemset of a specific cardinality and satisfying a minimum support. |
show_itemset_support | Returns the support of a given item-set |
rules_with_specific_threshold | Return (Filter) rules satisfying a given threshold. Threshold can be on confidence, support, lift, leverage and conviction. |
select_rules_with_antecedents_length | Return rules with a specific antecedents cardinality. |
select_rules_with_antecedents_names | Return rules of a specific antecedent. |
select_rules_with_consequents_names | Return rules of a specific consequent. |
- Data is sparse, we have very large number of products and of course the customer will have very few in his/her next order. Data is very skewed to the negative class. Class distribution: 90% negative class, 10% positive class.
- First, we've found that there's alot of false negatives, do We changed the threshold to maximize the recall, while keeping the precision above a certain threshold [0.3].
- In ther words, we wanted to reduce, the false negatives, the number of products the model say user won't predict in the future while he/she will actually does. On the other side, it's okay to allow some false positives, when the model recommends a products the user will less likely buy in his/her next order.
├── EDA
| ├── eda-on-instacart-data.ipynb
| └── Instacart Power Bi dashboard.pdf
├── Model
| ├── Association Rules Using Apriori.ipynb
| └── predictive-analysis-model.ipynb
├── Business Insights
| ├── Business Questions-Solution.pdf
| └── Project-Data Description.pdf
├── Example of Deployment
| ├── model.html
| ├── index.html
| ├── rules.html
| ├── js
| └── css
├── Presentation
| └── DS - Presentation.pptx
└── images
- Applying dynamic thresholding on user's products according to his/her average basket size.
- Continue developing the time-dependent features.
- Apply oversampling and undersampling, and observe whether this will help the imbalanced class problem.
- Deploy the Full Model.
Toka Khaled |
Noran Hany |