Feeling grateful? Want to recognise a colleague?
People's Choice is a web application that lets people vote for their colleagues.
- 🎉 Confetti explosions when a vote is placed
- 📱 Responsive layout
- 🙈 Obfuscated vote records
- ✅ Easy vote tallying and ranking
- ☁️ Serverless ready
The candidates are pulled from G Suite via the Admin SDK.
If your workplace uses G Suite (likely if you read your work emails via the Gmail interface) then you are probably good to go.
Create a Google Cloud project and do the following:
- Activate the Admin SDK (https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory)
- Create an OAuth client ID and record the secret
- Application Type: Web Application
- Authorised JavaScript origins
- http://localhost:3000
- https://<project_name>.now.sh
- Authorised redirect URIs
- http://localhost:3000/api/token
- https://<project_name>/api/token
- Export the client ID as the API_CLIENT_ID environment variable
- Export the secret as the the API_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable
- Create a DynamoDB table in AWS with a partition key called "email" with type "string
- Export the name of the DynamoDB table as the DYNAMO_USER_TABLE_NAME environment variable
- Create an IAM user for your application and export the access key and secret as the "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_" and "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_" environment variables. Note the trailing underscores which are needed to avoid conflicting with variables exposed by the Vercel deployment.
Hot reload for local development:
$ yarn dev
To analyse build size:
$ ANALYZE=true yarn build
export API_CLIENT_ID="11111-xxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com"
export API_CLIENT_SECRET="some secret"
export JWT_SECRET="some random secret"
export DIRECTORY_DOMAIN="mycorp.com.au"
export EXCLUDED_EMAILS="hello@mycorp.com.au,support@mycorp.com.au"
export ADMIN_EMAILS="elpresedente@mycorp.com.au,someother@mycorp.com.au"
export MAX_VOTES="3"
export DYNAMO_USER_TABLE_NAME="PeoplesChoiceUserTable"
export AWS_REGION_=ap-southeast-2
- Theming shamelessly copied and modified from: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/master/docs/src/pages/premium-themes/onepirate
- Confetti https://unsplash.com/photos/Xaanw0s0pMk Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
- Fireworks https://unsplash.com/photos/WPTHZkA-M4I Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash
- Trophy - https://unsplash.com/photos/_XTY6lD8jgM Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
- Multiple-trophys - https://pixabay.com/photos/trophies-show-award-trophy-prize-710169/ Image by Vilve Roosioks from Pixabay
- Trophy Clip Art for Banner Logo https://freesvg.org/golden-trophy-with-glaze-vector-clip-art By OpenClipart