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brainy-table is a Polymer 1.x data table element.

<iron-ajax auto url="demo/users.json" last-response="{{users}}"></iron-ajax>
<brainy-table items="[[]]" page-size="5" details-enabled>
  <brainy-table-column name="First Name" filter-by="" sort-by="">
  <brainy-table-column name="Last Name" sort-by="">
  <brainy-table-column name="Phone" sort-by="" align-right>
  <brainy-table-column width="30px" align-right flex="0">
      <template is="dom-if" if="[[!expanded]]">
        <iron-icon icon="icons:expand-more"></iron-icon>
      <template is="dom-if" if="[[expanded]]">
        <iron-icon icon="icons:expand-less"></iron-icon>
  <template is="row-detail">
    <div>[[item.user.location.street]], [[]], [[item.user.location.state]]</div>
  <div no-results>No records found</div>

Inspired by iron-data-table. Follows the guidelines of Material Design.


  • Data filtering
  • Data sorting
  • Pagination
  • Template support for each column
  • Two-way binding support
  • Custom styling support for templates
  • Flex support for cells
  • Native Shadow DOM support
  • Column manipulation, resizing, hiding, reordering
  • Custom header templates
  • Row details
  • Disabling row details depending on item subproperty value
  • Horizontal scrolling shadows
  • "Drag-and-drop" scroll

Special use cases

  • Limited amount of data (for infinite scrolling, consider using iron-data-table instead)
  • Table shouldn't be explicitly sized (height depends on rows count)
  • Rows can include dropdown menus etc (no transform is used, so table does not create z-index trap)