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Shawon edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 17 revisions

πŸ”– Headings

headings = {
    enable = true,

    textoff = 0,
    shift_width = 1,

    heading_1 = {
        style = "simple",

        shift_char = " ",
        hl = "DiagnosticOk"
    heading_2 = {},
    heading_3 = {},
    heading_4 = {},
    heading_5 = {},
    heading_6 = {},

    setext_1 = {},
    setext_2 = {}

πŸ”© Configuration options

  • enable, boolean or nil

    Used for toggling the rendering of headings.

  • textoff, number or nil

    Default value of textoff when headings have alignment added.

    Only affects label style headings who use the align option.

  • shift_width, number or nil

    Number of shift_char to add per level.

  • heading_<1-6>

    Configuration table for various atx heading levels.

  • setext_<1-2>

    Configuration table for various setext heading levels.

⭐ Heading configuration

Used to style atx headings.

  • style, string

    Name of the rendering style. Possible values are,

    • simple
    • label
    • icon
  • hl, string or nil

    Default highlight group for the heading.

🎨 Simple

heading_1 = {
    style = "simple",
    hl = "DiagnosticOk"

Adds a simple background to the heading.

🎨 Label

heading_1 = {
    style = "label",
    align = "left",

    shift_char = "",
    shift_hl = nil,

    sign = nil,
    sign_hl = nil,

    hl = "DiagnosticOk",

    corner_left = nil,
    corner_left_hl = nil,

    padding_left = " ",
    padding_left_hl = nil,

    icon = "",
    icon_hl = nil,

    padding_right = " ",
    padding_right_hl = nil,

    corner_right = nil,
    corner_right_hl = nil

Makes headings look like labels. It adds the following options,

  • align, string or nil

    Alignment of the label. Can either be left, center or right.

  • shift_char, string or nil

    Text to use for shifting the heading.

  • shift_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for the shift_char.

  • sign, string or nil

    Text to use as the sign for the heading.

  • sign_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for sign.

  • hl, string or nil

    Default highlight group for the heading.

  • corner_left, string or nil

    Text used as the left corner of the label.

  • corner_left_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for corner_left.

  • padding_left, string or nil

    Text used as the left padding of the label.

  • padding_left_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for padding_left.

  • icon, string or nil

    Text used as the icon for the heading.

  • icon_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for icon.

  • padding_right, string or nil

    Text used as the right padding of the label.

  • padding_right_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for padding_right.

  • corner_right, string or nil

    Text used as the right corner of the label.

  • corner_right_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for corner_right.

🎨 Icon

heading_1 = {
    style = "icon",
    shift_char = "",
    shift_hl = nil,

    sign = nil,
    sign_hl = nil,

    hl = "DiagnosticOk"

Adds icons to the headings. It has the following options,

  • shift_char, string or nil

    Text to use for shifting the heading.

  • shift_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for the shift_char.

  • sign, string or nil

    Text to use as the sign for the heading.

  • sign_hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for sign.

  • hl, string or nil

    Highlight group for the line containing the heading.

⭐ Setext heading configuration

Used to style setext headings.

  • style, string

    Name of the rendering style. Possible values are,

    • simple
    • github
  • hl, string or nil

    Default highlight group for the heading.

🎨 Simple

setext_1 = {
    style = "simple",
    hl = "DiagnosticOk"

Adds a simple background to the heading.

🎨 Github

setext_1 = {
    style = "github",

    icon = "πŸ”—",
    hl = "DiagnosticOk"

Adds an icon to the heading. It adds the following options,

  • icon, string or nil

    Text to use as the icon.