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Bulk download Ocean Color images from ESA and NASA platforms.

getOC is a python utility simplifying bulk download of Ocean Color images from NASA Ocean Data and ESA COPERNICUS Dataspace APIs. getOC takes as input a csv file with the list of positions and dates of interest (ex: test.csv) and it downloads images for the selected instrument, processing level, and product type. Depending on the options selected an EARTHDATA or a [COPERNICUS dataspace] ( account is required. A strong internet connection is recommended.

Synthax for ESA satellite collections can be found here (example for Sentinel-3 collection)

DEPRECATED: Previous getOC versions used the Creodias API but the Creodias v2 API required 2 step authentications preventing automatic downloads. ESA satellites (+Landsat over europe) are now downloaded using the new Copernicus API

If you only need to download images in a given time frame without specifying a position, the File Search utility from NASA might be a better tool. The NASA utility also provides a few wget examples on this Ocean Color Forum Post.

Supported instrument

Instrument Name Instrument Acronym Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Level L2 Product
Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCZ) CZCZ 1978-1986 global@1km L1A, L2, L3m OC
Ocean Color Temperature Sensor (OCTS) OCTS 1996-1997 global@700m L1A, L2 OC
Sea Viewing Wide Field Scanner (SeaWiFS) SeaWiFS 1997-2010@daily global@1.1km L1A, L2, L3m OC
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, Terra) MODIS-Terra 1999-now@daily global@0.25,0.5,1km L1A, L2, L3m OC
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, Aqua) MODIS-Aqua 2002-now@daily global@0.25,0.5,1km L1A, L2, L3m OC, SST
MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS, Full/Reduced Resolution) MERIS-FR, MERIS-FR 2002-2012@daily global@300m-1km L1, L2 OC
Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) GOCI 2010-now@hourly 36ºN 130ºE@500m L1B, L2 OC
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS, Suomi NPP) VIIRSN 2011-now@daily global@1km L1A, L2, L3m OC, SST
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS, JPSS-1) VIIRSJ1 2017-now@daily global@1km L1A, L2, L3m OC
MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI, Sentinel-2A/B) MSI 2015-now@5days coastal@10,20,60m L1C, L2A OC
Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI, Sentinel-3A/B) OLCI 2016-now@daily global@300m-1km L1-EFR, L1-ERR, L2-WFR, L2-WRR, L2-LFR, L2-LRR OC
Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR, Sentinel-3A/B) SLSTR 2016-now@daily global@1km L1-RBT, L2-WST, L2-LST, L2-AOD, L2-FRP SST
OLCI/SLSTR Synergy products (SYN, Sentinel-3A/B) SYN 2016-now@daily global@1km L2-SYN, L2-V10, L2-VG1, L2-VGP, L2-AOD OC, SST
SAR Radar Altimeter (SRAL, Sentinel-3A/B) SRAL 2016-now@daily global@300m L1-SRA, L1-SRA-A, L1-SRA-BS, L2-WAT, L2-LAN, L2-LAN-HY, L2-LAN-LY, L2-WAT-SI OTHER (Altimeter)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR, Sentinel-1A/B) SAR 2014-now@12days global@5m L0-RAW, L1-GRD, L1-GRD-COG, L1-SLC, L2-OCN, L2-CARD-BS, L2-CARD-COH12 OTHER (ice, fishing, and oil spill monitoring)
Thematic Mapper (TM, Landsat-5) L5-TM 1984-2013@16days Europe@30m-OC 120m-SST L1G, L1T OC, SST
Enhenced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+, Landsat-7) L7-ETM 1999-2011@16days Europe@30m-OC 120m-SST L1G, L1GT, L1T, TC-1P OC, SST
Operational Land Imager (OLI) & Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) (Landsat-8) L8-OLI-TIRS 2013-now@16days Europe@30m-OC 100m-SST L1, L1GT, L1T, L1TP, L2, L2SP OC, SST

Resolutions are indicative for Level 1 and 2 data, Level 3 is only available at 4 or 9 km for NASA satellites.

Command Line Usage

Typical call from bash:

python -i VIIRSJ1 -l L2 <csv_filename> -u <earthdata-username> -w --box 60

Argument description:

  • -i INSTRUMENT, --instrument=INSTRUMENT: specify instrument, available options are:

    • SeaWiFS
    • MODIS-Aqua
    • MODIS-Terra
    • OCTS
    • CZCS
    • MERIS
    • VIIRSN
    • VIIRSJ1
    • HICO
    • OLCI
    • SLSTR
    • SYN
    • SRAL
    • MSI
    • GOCI
    • L5-TM
    • L7-ETM
    • L8-OLI-TIRS
  • -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL: specify processing level, available options are listed below (c.f. table above for level compatible with the instrument selected).

      • L1A
      • L2
      • L3b
      • L3m
    • OLCI:
      • L1-EFR full resolution or L1_ERR reduced resolution
      • L2-WFR full resolution or L2_WRR reduced resolution [Water]
      • L2-LFR full resolution or L2_LRR reduced resolution [Land]
    • SLSTR:
      • L1-RBT
      • L2_WST [Water temperature]
      • L2_LST [Land temprature]
      • L2_AOD [Aerosol optical depth]
      • L2_FRP [Fire radiative power]
    • SRAL:
      • L1-SRA
      • L1-SRA-A
      • L1-SRA-BS
      • L2-WAT [Water altimetry]
      • L2-LAN [Land altimetry]
      • L2-LAN-HY
      • L2-LAN-LY
      • L2-LAN-SI
    • SYN:
      • L2-SYN [Reflectance and aerosol parameter over land]
      • L2-V10 [Vegetation-Like product (~VGT-S10), 10 day synthesis surface reflectance and NDVI]
      • L2-VG1 [Vegetation-Like product (~VGT-S1), 1 day synthesis surface reflectance and NDVI]
      • L2-VGP [Vegetation-Like product (~VGT-P), TOA reflectance]
      • L2-AOD [Aerosol optical depth over land and water 4.5x4.5 km resolution]
    • MERIS:
      • L1
      • L2
      • L3b
      • L3m
    • SAR:
      • L0-RAW
      • L1-GRD
      • L1-GRD-COG
      • L1-SLC
      • L2-OCN
      • L2-CARD-BS
      • L2-CARD-COH12
    • GOCI:
      • L1B
      • L2
    • MSI:
      • L1C
      • L2A
  • -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME: specify username to login to Copernicus (for OLCI, SLSTR, SLAR, SAR, MSI, L5-TM, L7-ETM and L8-OLI-TIRS instruments) or EarthData (for any other sensor). Password will be prompted when the script is executed. (TO DO: add option to use a credential file credentials.ini)

    • Earthdata login for NASA satellites
    • Copernicus dataspace login for ESA satellites
  • -w, --write-image-name: getOC first query an api to retrieve the list of images to download. The output of that query can be written to a csv file. getOC can then be restarted directly from that file saving that query time.

  • -r, --read-image-list: getOC loads the list previously queried and printed, to avoid querying twice the same list

  • -q, --quiet: Quiet please ! getOC does not output any information relative to the download and querying of the points of interest.

  • -p product
    Specify the product type to download:

    • OC [default]
    • IOP
    • SST

Options specific to a level:

  • Level 1 & 2:
    • --box=BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE, --bounding-box-size=BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE: Define the size of the bounding box around the point of interest in nautical miles. getOC downloads all images that intersect with this box (must be > 0).
  • Level 2 & 3:
    • -p PRODUCT, --product=PRODUCT: Specify the product type to download (only for NASA satellites) (c.f. table above for level compatible with the instrument selected):
      • Level 2 (NASA):
        • OC (default)
        • IOP (deprecated)
        • SST
      • Level 3 (NASA):
        • CHL
        • POC
        • not tested: GSM, IOP, KD, LAND, PAR, PIC, QAA, RRS, and ZLEE
  • Level 3: at this level the world's ocean is downloaded, getOC ignores the latitude and longitudes in the input csv file.
    • -b BINNING_PERIOD, --binning-period=BINNING_PERIOD: specify binning period (only for L3), available options are:
      • DAY (default)
      • 8D
      • MO
      • YR
    • --res=SRESOL, --spatial-resolution=SRESOL: specify spatial resolution (only for L3), available options are:
      • 4km (default)
      • 9km

Options specific to a downloading platform:

  • NASA Ocean Color Level 1&2 Browser:
    • -d QUERY_DELAY, --delay=QUERY_DELAY:Delay between queries only needed to query L1L2_browser. (default=1 second)

Instruments specificity:

  • VIIRS: GEO files required to process L1A files from that sensor are downloaded automatically when the level L1A is selected for this instrument.
  • Level synthax for ESA satellites are specific to sensors providing different options: Use L1-EFR for OLCI full resolution data and L1-ERR for low resolution (cf table and level paragraph)


Level 1:

python -i MODIS-Aqua -l L1A test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -w --box 60
python -i GOCI -l L1B test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60 
python -i VIIRSN -l L1A test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -w --box 60
python -i VIIRSJ1 -l L1A test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -w --box 60
python -i MSI -l L1C test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i OLCI -l L1-EFR test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i SLSTR -l L1-WST test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i SRAL -l L1-RBT test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i L5-TM -l L1T test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60

Level 2:

python -i MODIS-Aqua -l L2 test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -p OC -w --box 60
python -i GOCI -l L2 test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i VIIRSN -l L2 test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -p OC -w --box 60
python -i VIIRSJ1 -l L2 test.csv -u <earthdata-username> -p OC -w --box 60
python -i MSI -l L2A test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60 
python -i OLCI -l L2-WRR test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i SLSTR -l L2-WST test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i SYN -l L2-AOD test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60
python -i L8-OLI-TIRS -l L2 test.csv -u <copernicus-username> -w --box 60

Level 3:

python -i MODIS-Aqua -l L3b test.csv <earthdata-username> -p CHL -b 8D --res 4km -w
python -i MODIS-Aqua -l L3m test.csv <earthdata-username> -p CHL -b YR --res 9km -w