FlightAssistant is a client side Minecraft mod that adds a flight style HUD (like one you would see in a flight simulator), autopilot systems, flight protections, and some more features.
- Flight HUD
- Stall protection1, warning and automatic recovery2
- Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS):
- Sinkrate warning, protection1 and automatic recovery
- Unsafe terrain clearance warning, protection1 and automatic recovery2
- Autopilot systems:
- Flight Planner
- Flight Directors
- Auto-firework
- Auto pilot
- Alerts for unsafe flight conditions:
- Low elytra durability
- Approaching void damage altitude
- No response from fireworks
- Unsafe (explosive) fireworks
- Low firework count/no fireworks in inventory
1 Protection via blocked pitch changes
2 Automatic recovery via automatic pitch changes and firework usage
- Heading
- Positive pitch
- Pitch ladder
- Optimum glide pitch
- Speed
- Altitude
- Negative pitch
- Coordinates (X / Z)
- Ground Speed
- Elytra Health
- Vertical Speed
- Height above ground/void
FlightAssistant is an unofficial continuation of FlightHUD mod by frodare.