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| Public | LDAP Authentication Provider for Octopus Deploy


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LDAP authentication provider has been consolidated into Octopus Server and this repository will be archived soon. If you have a need to fork this repository and modify this provider to meet your needs, please reach out to

Authentication providers are currently external dependencies for Octopus Server. We build and ship these out of band and allow customers to extend or implement their own flavours.

This has caused us some grief regarding engineering velocity; a small change becomes a painful exercise of updating versions on multiple projects. What should be a quick 1-hour fix turns into a week-long journey of multiple PRs.

To tackle this issue, we are consolidating authentication providers and other dependencies into Octopus Server.

We also plan to incorporate changes in forks into the auth extensions we manage to avoid needing a fork in the future.

Octopus Deploy LDAP Authentication Provider

Build, Test, Package and Push

This repository contains an LDAP authentication provider for Octopus Deploy based on the Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard library. It was originally authored by @tunger and transferred to @OctopusDeploy in May 2021 This project is based on the Octopus Deploy DirectoryServices authentication provider.


LDAP Extension Release Compatible Octopus Server Release Notes
0.9.* 2020.6 Custom Extension. Last version of community created extension
1.0.* 2021.1 Custom Extension. Officially provided by @OctopusDeploy
2.0.* 2021.2 Built in extension. Bundled with Octopus Server
3.0.* 2021.3 Built in extension. Bundled with Octopus Server


From Octopus Server 2021.2 onwards (Ldap extension 2.0+) this extension is bundled with Octopus Server, so no installation is necessary.

For previous versions:

  1. Grab a release from the releases page.
  2. Install as a custom extension according to the Octopus Deploy documentation.


In Octopus Deploy, navigate to Configuration -> Settings -> LDAP.

Configuration Description Example
Server The plain hostname of the LDAP server. localhost
Port The port to access the LDAP server. 389
Security Protocol Options for secure connections (None, SSL (LDAPS) or StartTLS). None
Ignore SSL errors Whether to ignore certificate validation errors when using a secure connection method. False
Username The distinguished name of the user that the extension will use when connecting to the LDAP server. cn=query,dc=example,dc=org
Password The password of the user specified above. ***
User Base DN The root distinguished name (DN) to use when running queries for Users. cn=Users,dc=example,dc=org
Default Domain This value is prepended to the username when no domain part is provided in the login form (format: DOMAIN\USERNAME). Can be left empty, in that case no domain is prepended.
User Filter The filter to use when searching valid users. The wildcard * will be replaced with the search expression. (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=*))
Group Base DN The root distinguished name (DN) to use when running queries for Groups. ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org
Group Filter The filter to use when searching valid user groups. The wildcard * will be replaced with the search expression. (&(objectClass=group)(cn=*))
Nested Group Filter The filter to use when searching for a group's parents. The wildcard * will be replaced by the distinguished name of the initial group. (&(objectClass=group)(member=*))
Nested Group Search Depth Specifies how many levels of nesting will be searched. Set to '0' to disable searching for nested groups. 5
Allow Auto User Creation Specifies whether users not already set up in Octopus Deploy will be automatically created upon successful LDAP login. false
Referral Following Enabled Sets whether or not to allow referral following. true
Referral Hop Limit Sets the maximum number of referrals to follow during automatic referral following. 10
Constraint Time Limit Sets the time limit in seconds for LDAP operations on the directory. '0' specifies no limit. 0
Unique Account Name Attribute Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing the unique account name, which is used to authenticate via the logon form. This will be 'sAMAccountName' for Active Directory. sAMAccountName
User Display Name Attribute The name of the LDAP attribute containing the user's full name. displayName
User Principal Name Attribute The name of the LDAP attribute containing the user's principal name. userPrincipalName
User Membership Attribute The name of the LDAP attribute to use when loading the user's groups. memberOf
User Email Attribute The name of the LDAP attribute containing the user's email address. mail
Group Name Attribute The name of the LDAP attribute containing the group's name. cn
Is Enabled Enables the authentication provider if true. true


This extension behaves similar to the AD authentication provider.

  • You can map LDAP groups to teams.
  • You can assign logins to existing users, or simply login if you have never logged in.
  • You can see mapped teams from external groups in user details.

Refer to the Octopus Documentation for more information.

Build and release pipeline

This project is built using GitHub actions. A NuGet package is created and pushed to Octopus Deploy, where it is deployed to NuGet repositories.


Integration testing against Microsoft ActiveDirectory and OpenLdap using known test data is used to validate behaviour - see here for more details.


Please see Contributing