- CakePHP 2.9.0 or greater.
- PHP 7.0.0 or greater.
Clone/Copy the files in this directory into app/Plugin/VatNumberCheck
Ensure the plugin is loaded in app/Config/bootstrap.php
by calling:
CakePlugin::load('VatNumberCheck', ['routes' => true]);
Ensure to configure the following lines in app/Config/database.php
public $vatNumberCheckWebservice = [
'datasource' => 'VatNumberCheck.SoapSource',
'wsdl' => 'https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/checkVatService.wsdl',
'default_socket_timeout' => 2,
'connection_timeout' => 2,
Normalizes a VAT number:
$vatNumber = $this->VatNumberCheck->normalize($vatNumber);
Checks a given VAT number:
$vatNumberValid = $this->VatNumberCheck->check($vatNumber);
Generates a VAT number check form field:
echo $this->VatNumberCheck->input('vat_number', ['label' => __('VAT number')]);