Realization of Normal Mapping, Parallax Mapping, Relief Mapping with OpenGL
The part of Relief Mapping : Achieved Self-occusion But no Self-shadowing
Run test platform: Windows 10, Visual Studio 12 2013
OpenGL version: Version 3.3 Core. Encapsulation: GLAD
Library used: GLFW, GLM
Under the same folder, you can find an .exe file named: Various_Mapping_Test
Open it, use your keyboard:
press "1" : the toy box will be rended with no mapping. (default)
press "2" : the toy box will be rended with normal mapping.
press "3" : the toy box will be rended with parallax mapping.
press "4" : the toy box will be rended with relief mapping.
press "w" : Control the camera to move up.
press "s" : Control the camera to move down.
press "a" : Control the camera to move left.
press "d" : Control the camera to move right.
press "q" : Control the camera to move forward.
press "e" : Control the camera to move backward.
And also you can use your mouse:
The cursor movement can control the rotation of the camera lens.
The scroll wheel can control the focal length of the camera.
These are the two encapsulated classes I used directly(For using camera and reading shaders).
This is a header file I use directly to read different image formats.
All vertex shaders are in the folder called vertex_shader.
All fragment shaders are in the folder called fragment_shader.
The folder called img contains all images I used: wood_texture, toyBox_depth, toyBox_normal.
[1] F. Policarpo, M. M. Oliveira, and J. L. D. Comba, “Real-Time Relief Mapping on Arbitrary Polygonal Surfaces,” p. 8.