is one pluin to free you hand.
It can auto-switch bwteen default ime and the previous one.
This is useful for some non-latin languages like Chinese.
Sometimes we need write non-latin charactors in insert mode and want ime auto-changes to latin while entering the normal mode.
This is the solution used im-select
This plugin is only test on MacOS
And it is optimised for Mac
for my hobby.
In theory, it applys to any platform which im-select
supports(MaxOS, Windows).
If you use Linux, use ime-select.nvim
If you have any problems, please start an issue.
(optinal, only use async funtions)
Choose your favourate plugin manager.
The fowllowing configuration is used lazy
event = "InsertEnter",
opts = {
im_select_path = "<the ime-select path>",
autoime_default = "", -- choose the default ime
If im-select
is execuable directly, you needn't set im_select_path
The MIT License (MIT)