This docker container provides a fully working cartodb development solution without the installation hassle.
Just run the commands and then connect to http://cartodb.localhost with your you browser.
The default login is dev/pass1234. You may want to change it when you'll run it for the outside.
It also creates an 'example' organization with owner login admin4example/pass1234. Organization members can be created on http://cartodb.localhost/user/admin4example/organization
git clone
docker build -t="sverhoeven/docker-cartodb" docker-cartodb/
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8181:8181 sverhoeven/docker-cartodb
You need to add config/cartodb.nginx.proxy.conf
to /etc/nginx/conf.d/.
This will setup a reverse proxy for the CartoDB/imports (3000), SQL Api (8080) and Map api (8181).
You also need to add cartodb.localhost alias to your hosts file. For example
sudo sh -c 'echo cartodb.localhost >> /etc/hosts'