Good Tables == Good Times!
Continuous data validation as a service.
Preliminary designs and specifications can be found in the wiki.
We currently use Redis as a broker:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Prepare Python and Node virtual environments:
git clone
virtualenv .python -p python3.5
source .python/bin/activate
nvm install 6
nvm use 6
make install
Create .env
file with the required environment variables:
$ cp .env.example .env
$ editor .env # edit your vars
must be a 32 bit URL-safe base64 string. You can obtain it by running the followig:
import os
import base64
key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32))
You can also run it as a one-line command as:
python3 -c "import os; import base64; key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)); print(key.decode('utf-8'))"
### Migrations
make migrate # migrate
alembic downgrade -1 # downgrade
alembic revision -m '<name>' # add a migration
Start the Celery worker and dev server:
bash1$ make app
bash2$ make queue
For development you probably want:
bash1$ make app-dev
bash2$ make queue-dev
The development server runs on http://localhost:5000
To build frontend files to public
make frontend
make frontend-dev
make frontend-watch
To work on frontend run the watch command:
make frontend-watch
If you have app
running in dev mode frontend components will be automatically updated
after every source code change. Web page should be reloaded manually.
To run all checks:
make test
To run linting:
make lint
# make lint-backend
# make lint-frontend
To run unit tests with coverage:
make test-unit
# make test-unit-backend
# make test-unit-frontend
To run user acceptance end-to-end tests for the whole application:
make test-e2e
Note: the current site is in an early alpha version and things are bound to break and change.
The current alpha version supports adding two data sources, GitHub repositories and Amazon S3 buckets.
To try it out, go to and log in with your GitHub account
To add a Github Repo:
- Click on the "Add Repository" button from the dashboard.
- If you don't see a list of your repositories, click on the "Sync account" button. This might take a while.
- Once the list of repositories appears, click "Activate" on the repository that you want to validate.
- From now on, every time you push to that repository a validation job will be run on
- You also should see the validation status next to the commit messages and pull requests (note that this only works on repositories in the
organization due to #132):
The statuses link to the full report on the prototype app.
To add an S3 Bucket:
- Click on the "Add Bucket" button from the dashboard.
- Enter an AWS Access Key Id and a Secret Access Key pair, and the name of the bucket. Your keys should allow reading the contents of the bucket, as well as creating notification events on it. Click on "Add bucket"
- From now on, every time you update a file on the S3 bucket (upload or delete) a validation job will be run on