This adapter board connects a Raspberry Pi (Zero, 2 Model B or above) to an IMST iC880A LoRaWAN concentrator board.
You can use the board instead of jumper wires which makes the work much easier.
Power is provided by Raspberry Pi.
- KiCad Fils
- Gerber Files
- Pictures of the iC880A-Adapter-Board
It is easy to build the board. You need to solder the following parts to complete it:
- 1 pc of 1x20 pinheader
- 1 pc of 2x20 pinheader
- 2 pcs of 1x3 pinheader
iC880A <-> Raspberry Pi
- 07 <-> 38 ... GPIO20
- 08 <-> 36 ... GPIO16
- 09 <-> 32 ... GPIO12
- 10 <-> 31 ... GPIO6
- 11 <-> 29 ... GPIO5
- 13 <-> 22 ... GPIO25-Reset
- 14 <-> 23 ... GPIO11-CLK
- 15 <-> 21 ... GPIO9-MISO
- 16 <-> 19 ... GPIO10-MOSI
- 17 <-> 24 ... GPIO8-NSS
- 21 <-> 02 ... 5V-VCC
To build a LoRaWAN-Gateway you need just a
- Raspberry Pi (Zero, 2 Model B or above) + power supply
- this iC880A-Adapter-Board
- IMST iC880A LoRaWAN concentrator board
- antenna + cable
To set up the software on your LoRaWAN-Gateway, see setup scripts at
You find information about our LoRaWAN initiative at
See also OpenIoT-Forum at