Welcome, this is the OMP Manufacturing Reference Architecture Working Group.
The goal of OMP is to provide an open, based on industry standards, higher-level non-committal manufacturing reference architecture, enabling companies to align their shop floor infrastructure and systems while enabling industrial solutions to integrate faster.
In this repository, a list of software capabilities that a MRA needs to provide is presented. Software capabilities are provided by platforms and applications to implement use cases. See below for a definition and context on capabilities.
The goal is to provide a repository of capabilities, that can be easily referenced from the different use cases which rely on the capabilities and provide more details and context on a certain capability, e.g. special considerations in manufacturing context.
Start by reading the Introduction and Overview!
Copyright OMP 2022, All rights reserved.
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This document is a work product of the Open Manufacturing Platform - Manufacturing Reference Architecture Working Group, chaired by Martina Pickhardt (Microsoft) and co-chaired by Nils Jensen (PwC). Workstream Lead Core Capabilities: Daniel Fröhlich (RedHat).
Daniel Fröhlich, Red Hat
- Daniel Fröhlich, Red Hat
- Lukas Birn, Capgemini
- Paul Quinn, Teradata
- Ashish Joshi, Cognizant
- Alexandra Baleta, VMWare
- Klaus Merk, Microsoft
- Wolfram Richter, Red Hat
- Jürgen Vischer, Forcam
- Monica McDonnell, Teradata
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