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| Taxon addition project moved

Jonathan A Rees edited this page Feb 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Don't edit! Page moved

Adding new taxa to the tree

  • We need to locate example studies, gather requirements
    • Ask the curators
    • SQL query: Find studies with currently unmapped tips
    • SQL query: Find studies where tips that are species names have been mapped to genus or higher
  • A curator will want to add some number of taxa so that they can be OTUs for tips that aren't currently mapped
  • Each taxon to be added needs
    • Parent taxon (parent name + context name; or parent OTT id)
    • Rank designation
    • Reference (accession number - many possible idspaces - or URL)
  • They need to swear on a stack of holy books that the taxon isn't already present...
  • Taxon gets an id somehow
  • Taxon is installed in Phylografter so that it can be used for further OTU matches
  • Taxon finds its way into github, and from there to next (monthly?) version of OTT, and from there to taxomachine, treemachine, and phylografter...

Adjacent projects

  • Performance of OTU matching page in Phylografter
  • Revamp the OTU matching UI for usability and human efficiency
  • Tip label parsing (regexp / edit-by-example ideas?)
  • Test harnesses for both OTT and Phylografter...
    • Smallish sub-taxonomy for scripted testing purposes ?
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