BOF (Boiboite Opener Framework) is a testing framework for field protocols implementations and devices. It is a Python 3.6+ library that provides means to send, receive, create, parse and manipulate frames from supported protocols.
The library currently provides discovery and extended testing features for KNXnet/IP, which is our focus, but it can be extended to other types of BMS or industrial network protocols. It also provides multicast and/or end-to-end discovery functions for industrial networks relying on KNXnet/IP, LLDP, Profinet DCP and Modbus TCP.
Please note that targeting industrial systems can have a severe impact on people, industrial operations and buildings and that BOF must be used carefully.
pip install boiboite-opener-framework
git clone
Install requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Protocol implementations use Scapy's format.
BOF is a Python 3.6+ library that should be imported in scripts.
import bof
from bof.layers import profinet, knx
from bof.layers.knx import KnxPacket
There are three ways to use BOF, not all of them are available depending on the layer:
Automated: Import or call directly higher-level functions from layers. No knowledge about the protocol required. For instance, the discovery module contains a few functions to discover devices using several industrial network protocols.
Standard: Craft packets from layers to interact with remote devices. Basic knowledge about the protocol required.
Playful: Play with packets, misuse the protocol (we fuzz devices with it). The end user should have started digging into the protocol's specifications.
Automated | Standard | Playful | |
KNX | X | X | X |
LLDP | X | ||
Modbus | X | X | X |
Profinet DCP | X |
Now you can start using BOF!
- Mutlcast discovery from the discovery module (currently with LLDP, Profinet DCP, KNX):
from bof.modules.discovery import *
devices = multicast_discovery(iface="eth0", verbose=True)
- Device discovery using a layer's high-level function
from bof.layers.knx import search
devices = search()
for device in devices:
- Create and send your own discovery packet:
from bof.layers.knx import *
pkt = KNXPacket(type="search request")
responses = KNXnet.multicast(pkt, (KNX_MULTICAST_ADDR, KNX_PORT))
for response, _ in responses:
from bof.layers.knx import KNXnet, KNXPacket, SID
from bof import BOFNetworkError
knxnet = KNXnet().connect("", 3671)
pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request,
response, _ =
except BOFNetworkError as bne:
from bof.layers.knx import KNXPacket, SID
from bof.layers.raw_scapy.knx import LcEMI
pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request)
pkt.ip_address = b"\x01\x01"
pkt.port = 99999 # Yes it's too large
pkt.show2() # This may output something strange
A recipient device will probably not respond to that, but at least you know that BOF won't stop you from messing with your packets.
BOF relies on Scapy for protocol implementations, with an additional layer that translates BOF code to changes on Scapy packets and fields. Why? Because BOF may slightly modify or override Scapy’s internal behavior.
You do not need to know how to use Scapy to use BOF, however if you do, you are free to interact with the Scapy packet directly as well.
packet = KNXPacket(type=connect_request)
packet.field1 = 1 # Applying additional BOF operations (ex: change types)
packet.scapy_pkt.field1 = 1 # Direct access to Scapy Packet object
Link to the documentation:
The HTML user manual and source code documentation can be built from the repository:
$> cd docs && make html
- Navigate to
[path to repository]/docs/_build/html/index.html
Example scripts are in folder examples
Contributors are welcome! BOF is still an ongoing project, which relies on industrial network protocol implementations in Scapy format. You can first contribute by contributing to Scapy and adding new protocols ("layers"). Or, you can contribute by integrating a Scapy protocol to BOF. The documentation explains how to do it. Furthermore, there will still be room for higher-level functions that will make tests easier or implement known attack against protocols or protocol implementations.
Here a few things to know beforehand:
We like clean code and expect contributions to be PEP-8 compliant as much as possible (even though we don't test for it). New code should be readable easily and maintainable. And remember: if you need to use "and" while explaining what your function does, then you can probably split it.
Please write Unit tests and make sure existing ones still pass! They are in
. You can run all unit tests with:python -m unittest discover -s tests
Report bugs, ask questions or request for missing documentation and new features by submitting an issue with GitHub. For bugs, please describe your problem as clearly as you can.